At The Corner of Me and You

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I perched myself up on one elbow, glaring at the shattered bits of alarm clock scattered by the far wall. I'm not sure who won this morning, my alarm clock or me. I'm awake but its broken, and I also have to clean it up. I groaned, deciding that it won, and pulled the fluffy black blanket off of me. the frigid air rushed to meet my long bare legs. I jumped up and ran to the bathroom, blasting hot water and peeling my night clothes off. After my shower I wrapped the towel around my waist and walked back to my room. I picked out my usual type clothing, today it was faded green cargo shorts and a black hooded tank top, and pulled on my sneakers.

"Farinn! Get down here young man, or you're gonna be late for your bus!"

That would be mum. I still had 20 minuets before I needed to leave, so I ignored her. I went back to the bathroom to quickly comb through my shoulder length white hair, and to make sure my eyes were still green. Don't ask, my mum always told me that if I ignored her my awesome green eyes would turn brown. I didn't believe her, but somewhere inside me my inner child was still scared to have normal eyes.

Meandering downstairs, I grabbed my messenger style back pack and an apple, heading towards the door.

"Farinn, it's picture day! Can you wear something better than that?" I inwardly sighed, I hated picture day.

"I don't want an imposter in the yearbook, so no." This time she sighed, outwardly. "Bye mum." Then I walked out the door.

Hey, if you are reading this then I think you're cool. I know that this is an extremely short chapter.... I just wanted to start it out. Don't worry, I might already be writing more. Vote or Comment or Follow... or anything else... if you think this is an okay start.

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