chapter 1

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Its been a month since everything happened,its hard ya know trying to pretend like everything is gonna be okay.

I'm not the same bubbly and happy girl anymore,those things took my mom and brother away from us. Other than that everything is fine well as fine as it can be in this situation.

Earlier this morning Maggie came up and told me that Otis went out hunting I really hope he is gonna be okay.

I finally decided to get out of bed,standing up I walk to my dresser and pull out my favorite black tank top and some Jean shorts with my combat boots. Even know I lice on a farm I really don't like cowgirl boots.

Walking out of my room and into the bathroom I brush my hair and my teeth then walk downstairs and into the kitchen. Getting out a bowl I pour myself some cereal and sit down to eat it. After I finish eating I go into the living room and see my daddy and everyone else in the living room doing there own thing. Soon after I sit down Maggie says she's going to take watch on the front porch.

"Hey daddy" I say as I sit next to him

"Hey darling" he says while smiling at me

"Has Otis come back from hunt'n yet" I ask him hopefully

He shakes his head no,lookin down at the floor I sigh sadly,we were sitting there in silence when we all heard Maggie yell for daddy. We all get up and head outside to the front porch. There's a man in a sheriff's uniform carrying a younge boy about my age.

"Was he bit" my dad call out to him

"No shot by your man" he says

"Otis" Patricia questions but he ignored it

"He said to find Hershel" that's when we all walked up to him with my daddy in front "Thank you,help me boy please" he says

"Come on inside" my dad says and we all follow him in and into a bedroom

Dad sends Maggie to go get everything he says and Beth and Patricia went to help her while I just look at the man and the boy scared

My dad tells the man to put him on the bed and he does

"Is he alive" asks the man scared for his son

My daddy hands him a cloth and tells him to put pressure on the wound. He does as he's told and my dad checks for the boys heartbeat.

"I got a heartbeat" my daddy says as he looks at the man

"What's your name" my daddy asks as Patricica steps forward saying that she gots

"I-i I'm Rick" he studders out

"Well Rick were gonna do everything we can" my dad says as he puts the iv into the boys arm "please give us some room" my dad finishes and Rick then leaves the room after one more glance at his son.

I then step into action and help my dad with what he says,soon Rick,Otis and some guy comes back into the room. Holding down the boy as best as I can while he screams and crys is hard I couldn't do much.

"Rick we need blood for him what's his blood type" my dad asks as he continues to get a piece of the bullet out of the boy. Rick then says he has the same blood type and so they start to get blood from him. The boys starts to thrash around and I can't hold him down as he starts to scream and cry louder.

"STOP YOUR KILLING HIM" Rick yells moving towards his son

"If you want him to live we need to get it out and he needs your blood" my dad says as the boy stops moving and he's completely quite. Rick and the other man look at the boy,they think he's dead.

"He's alive he just passed out but Rick we need you to hold still so we can get him some blood" I say towards them as my dad finally pulls out the piece of bullet.

He does as he's told and gives us his blood for his son and he ushers us out of the room. Walking into the hallway we sit down and wait for my dad to get done.

Rick and the man start talking about the boys mother Lori and how she should be here after that I just zone out while looking out the window. Soon after that my dad comes out,he starts talking to Rick and I get up after hearing that he is stable and head for my room. After closing my door I take off my boots and get into bed hoping for sleep to take me,soon the darkness consumed me.

Contagious Love - a Carl Grimes love storyWhere stories live. Discover now