Winter Guard

7 0 0

Show: The Prime Composition
Instructors: you saw their names on the last chapter
Seniors: myself, Cameron, and Brooklyn
(Addie and Caitlyn did not join)
Make-up: brown lipstick, bronzer, concealer, highlights, dark brown and gold eyeshadow, black eyeliner, black mascara, and glitter (the glitter was added on by the other guard members)
Costume: no shoes, body tight (optional), a full on body suit that made us look like right vs left Twix, a blue skirt that was attached to the whole thing slightly, and a tie that went around your leg. (No arm band this time).
(See video above for the costume) I'll put a picture of it up soon. If someone comments to see the actual picture and not from the video.

Peace out ✌️
Emylee Marvel

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