Chapter 2: new ppl

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I was alittle disappointed cause I wanted a better challenge, but hey beggars can't be choosers right?

I had finished the mission the same day it got assigned so yeah....... I walked back to the mansion and remembered where the room I was in before was. I saw Kurapika talking to the dude on the screen.

They both were shocked when they saw me standing in the doorway when they saw me a while ago.

"Close your mouths unless u like the idea of flys living in your mouths." I sat down on the chair as they both shut their opened mouths.

"Did u already finish your task Mara?" Kurapika tilted his head to the side. he looked kinda cute like that........ I said kinda.

"Yep." I tossed the nail at him as he caught it and smiled at me. I smiled back. we kind of just stayed like that..... until the dude with the Elvis hairdo ruined the moment..........

"Well since you were able to complete the job and become our partner it's only suitable that I introduce myself. I'm Basho. you will meet everyone else when the jet lands" he smirked like he was trying to impress me by saying 'yeah that's right! our boss owns a jet!' I just stared at him with a bored expression..... I really didn't care.

"Okay." I said bluntly. Basho just sweat dropped and ended the video call. I sighed and put on my headphones. 'Bad for me' by Megan and Liz was blasting when I saw Kurapika's lips move. I could tell he said "So where are you from?" then smiled at me. yeah that's right I lip read. That's why I listen to music all the time cause I don't have to hear the person to carry on a conversation. It also helps to act like I can't hear someone I don't like and they walk away.

"Zaban City."

"So you can lip read?"


"That'll help a lot on our missions."

"Well since you now know where I'm from how bout u tell me where your from?" I tilted my head to the side as my song was about to end.

"Oh... well... I'm the last of my clan...... I don't think you've heard of it though..... " He looked at the floor. he got to my feels with that one..... we both went through the same thing....

"I might have. tell me."

He took a deep breath then looked at me."The Kurta Clan."

I just stared in shock with wide eyes as 'forever' by fire flight came through my headphones. 'I'm not alone anymore? Is he telling the truth?' these thoughts whirled through my head as Kurapika looked at me confused by my reaction.

He was about to say something, but a jet landed in the backyard. Kurapika then grabbed my hand and lead me to the back. I blushed, but not enough for people to notice.

"It's nice to see you again Kurapika!" a frail and sweet voice drifted in the wind as he lead me further. "who passed this time?" At that moment Kurapika pulled me in front of him. I saw Basho and a short girl with long purple hair and a bald spot on the top of her head.

"This is Mara." I just stood there so he shoved me forward to meet the girl.

"Hi....." my voice faded.

"Shouldn't she take off her headphones?" Basho looked at me suspicious.

"She can lip read."

The girl smiled and extended her hand. "Hello! I'm Melody!" I hesitantly shook her hand as Kurapika walked past us into the jet then turned so I could see what he was saying.

"We should get going."

I walked into the plane and sat next to a window. I sighed as 'Monster' by Meg and Dia came on.

"That's a great song!" Melody was across from me.

"Is my music really that loud?"

"No I just have good hearing."

"Oh." I looked out the window. 'well this is gonna be interesting.' I smirked. then it disappeared when I remembered Kurapika. 'what's gonna happen now?'

The plane lifted off the ground as the land got smaller and smaller.


Well this seems like a good place to stop! if I put any wrong information plz leave a comment cause I've been watching the new episodes and it doesn't talk bout what Kurapika's doing.......... I even had to look up Basho's name.......... yeah......

Anyway plz comment what you think! Bye!

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