Chapter 1

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"C'mon please Alex" He pleads for the umpteenth time.

"I'm not fucking going, Luca" I reply him for the umpteenth time.

Pinching the bridge of my nose between my fingers I try to focus my attention back on my phone hoping he gets the hint to leave me be and shut the hell up.

"Why not?" He asks sitting crossed legged on my bed a pout beginning to take form on his mouth. Suppressing a groan I restrain the hard urge not to smack him upside the head.

No such luck apparently.

Best friends are supposed to annoy each other every now and then but this was on a whole other level. He's been pestering me since he's got here which was well over an hour ago like man give it a fucking rest already.

"Are you fucking being serious right now? You know exactly why I'm never going to another party with you no matter how much you beg me" I say exasperated.

He shoots me a sly grin, folds his arms across his chest and leans back on the headboard as if patiently waiting for me to explain it to him.

"Enlighten me then I don't think I remember."

Of course, he doesn't I rolled my eyes fed up but answered the dumb question anyway.

"Fine you wanna know why I quit partying with your dumb ass? You always talk about being 'bros before hoes' and promise to stay by my side the entire night. But wind up ditching me to go hook up with the first girl you lay your eyes on and end up getting in a fight with their boyfriends that I have to get you out of. You drink excessive amounts of booze and get so pissed drunk that I have to stop you from doing incredibly stupid stunts like I don't know jumping into the pool from the fucking roof with all you're clothes on or with all you're clothes off. Then watch as you pass out and wake up with no recollection of the night whatsoever and have to drag your ass home so you don't die."

He feigns an insulted look and responds with a "Whoa okay first off I get that I always say that I'll admit it but Ella made the moves on me first, and how could I say no she told me she broke up with Mike, and that barely counted as a real fight he throws punches like a little girl, second that was one time I jumped off the roof into the pool with all my clothes on ... and then off but everyone was doing it plus it was harmless well that's if you landed in the pool, and who the fuck doesn't get a little drunk and do crazy things-"

I make a show of clearing my throat interrupting his unimportant rant. Yeah like any of those pathetic excuses make up for the shit that he's put me through I'm his best friend, not his fucking babysitter.

He gives me a look raising an eyebrow "Okay whatever everyone minus you of course since you're such a 'goody-goody' " he adds making quotation marks with his fingers. I can't help it I send an object flying at his head he makes a move with his hands to block it but is a second too late.

Now I suddenly feel much better serves him right I am definitely not a 'goody-goody' what the hell does he even mean by that?

"Ow! Fuck dude did you just throw your shoe at my face? You know this is my moneymaker." He whines I can't help but laugh.

"That wasn't funny" He mutters rubbing his nose.

"Right just like calling me a 'goody-goody' isn't funny" I retort.

"Jesus sorry I didn't think you'd take it offensively," He says not sounding sorry at all.

"Right 'cause everyone loves being called a no fun to be around self-righteous brat who's way too perfect for their own good," I say sarcastically.

His mouth pulls downwards into a frown "Alex, don't be mad you know that's not what I meant-" I cut him off again before he can finish.

"I'm not mad just go without me but make sure you get someone else that's not drunk to drive you home got it? I can't have your death hanging over my conscience and don't do anything idiotic or you know what actually? Let me rephrase that don't do anything idiotic that'll get you hurt or killed ."

"Okay, okay love you to mom, bye Alex," He says smiling while walking out my bedroom door.

I know that sometimes I can be a real dick towards Luca but I do really care about what happens to him were best friends after all and best friends always look out for each other.  

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 15, 2017 ⏰

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