« chapter two »

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« two »

They fell into a new routine rather quickly after that night. They’d spend their breaks together out back where some of the older employees from other departments would smoke. Luke would teach Rydell how to ride a skateboard and Rydell would try to teach Luke how to do cartwheels and handstands.

Every Saturday night, when it “wasn’t a school night,” as Luke’s mum would remind him, Luke would get off at eight and drive to Insomnia. He’d pick up one caramel iced frappucino with an extra pump of caramel and a strawberry smoothie before making it back to the shop by 8:15 and hanging out with Rydell.

It wasn’t until the final week of school that they saw each other outside of school.

They’d been friends for almost four weeks – texting, calling, and hanging out during the week at work – when Luke said Rydell should come to one of his band practices.

“I don’t know,” Rydell mumbled. Her locker wouldn’t open and she had to cradle her phone between her shoulder and her ear as she attempted to open the ugly tan and dented thing.

“Why not?” Luke whined. He was captivated by Rydell. He was intrigued by everything she did and he found himself constantly thinking about her. He loved watching her reaction to revieving coffee and longer for her 2AM thoughtful texts and phone calls.

He was smitten.

“What if they don’t like me?” Rydell mumbled. She hated speaking in school. Why had Luke called her instead of the usual text?

“Dell,” he groaned, “Just come. I’ll pick you up!”

“No!” Rydell yelled, her head shooting up and her phone clatter to the floor. With one final tug, her locker opened and she went to pick up her phone but someone else got to it first.

Her eyes traveled up black converse and black skinny jeans before meeting a familiar, now slightly more worn, Nirvana shirt. And finally, the smiling face of Luke Hemmings.

“Surprise!” he said giddily, “I wasn’t going to let you get out of this one and I was in the are – uh … what are you wearing?”

Luke felt his eyes widened as he looked down at the pink sleeveless and sheer blouse, black pencil skirt, and black heels Rydell was sporting on her beautiful body.

“I –”


Rydell and Luke turned to see fucking Hazel Williams staring at them. “I thought that was you! What are you doing here?” She smiled at him and Rydell’s stomach flipped in the most uncomfortable way.

Luke noticed as Rydell seemed to cower in the popular girl’s presence and for the first time in their friendship, Luke felt like the stronger one. “I was just picking Dell up,” Luke said, putting his arm around Rydell’s shoulders and squeezing her, smiling down at her surprised face.

“I was taking her to band practice with me before I’m making her give me back all my shirts she’s been stealing over these past couple weeks.”

To Rydell and Luke, there wasn’t anything romantic about Rydell having some of Luke’s shirts. Her clothes were usually wet after they went swimming in the small lagoon Luke had taken her to a couple times. But to Hazel, Rydell could see the gears turning in her pretty little head.

“I didn’t know you two knew each other,” she smiled sweetly.

“Oh we’re bestest friends,” Luke smiled, “Can we go now Dell? I’m running out of shirts.’

“You’re just annoying I wear them better,” Rydell grumbled, shooting Luke a glare as she grabbed her bag and Luke grabbed her hand, rolling his eyes as he basically dragged her out of the building.

« coffee rush » {l.h.}Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora