Night 1 (Bonnie and Chica)

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I am completely unashamed of this!

I own absolutely nothing!




"The boys like to stay up really late, so every hour or so walk through the halls and make sure that all of the doors are still locked. Besides that, your main job is to make sure that no crazy fans break in. Also, try not to freak out if they leave their rooms to try and scare you, I have yet to understand why they do it."

Haruhi smiled softly, amusement swimming in her eyes. "Is there anything else Renge?" The head of security hummed as if trying to think of anything else before shaking her head.

"That's about it!" With that Renge waltzed out of the room and left Haruhi to her new job.

After sitting down with a heavy sigh and a fresh cup of coffee, Haruhi checked the cameras to make sure no one had tried anything since she'd arrived.

For some reason, Haruhi got the feeling that it would be a trying five nights.

~~~~~~~1 a.m.~~~~~~~~~

Kyoya Ootori, better known to the world as The Puppet, looked at his computer from the comfort of his bed. The new guard, at first glance, seemed as if he would be no different, easy to scare and quick to resign from the post. But upon second glance Kyoya found that this one seemed more determined than his predecessors.

With a cruel smile, he unlocked his phone and pressed 11.

His call was answered before the first ring had finished. Two voices answered in unison "Is there something you need of us Puppet?"

"Chica, Bonny. I believe it's time for you to 'welcome' our guest."

"We will be sure to extend all courtesy."

If Kyoya were a gambling man he would've placed his money on his fellow band members smiling like the Cheshire Cat.

"Be sure that you do." Kyoya ended the call and smirked. This would be entertaining, if not short.

Across the hall, a door silently slid open, and two identical faces peeked out, both adoring matching Cheshire grins.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~2 a.m.~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Haruhi cursed to herself, as she walked around the building. It had been half an hour since she'd discovered that the twins', she really did have to figure out their names, door was unlocked and they were both missing.

She had instantly made sure that all of the other doors were still locked, before rushing back to her office to grab the tablet that was linked up to all of the cameras.

It was then that she saw the two band members running along the hallway farthest from their room.

She had rushed over only to find it completely deserted.

~~~~~~~~~~~~3 a.m.~~~~~~~~~~~~

Hikaru and Kaoru Hitachiin, aka Bonnie and Chica, smiled wickedly. They had been leading the new guy around the giant house for close to two hours, but it was finally time to start their 'welcoming', they both slipped horrifying masks over their heads.

The masks looked like possessed demon animatronics.

Either one alone was scary enough to send a normal person screaming in fear. Both would surely make the would-be-guard run for home.

They took up their positions on either side of the branching hallway and waited for their target to approach.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~4 a.m.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Haruhi was actually starting to get nervous now. It had been over two hours since she'd discovered the twins out of bed and roaming. According to the schedule, she'd been forced to memorize by Renge, the entire band had to be at a recording session by 7. Meaning they needed at least a few hours of sleep.

So when she found them, famous boy band or not, she was going to drag them back to their room. By their ears.

With a sigh Haruhi continued down the hallway she was on, hoping that she'd once again catch a glimpse of 1/3 of the group she was supposed to be guarding.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~5 a.m.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

It was Kaoru who heard the security guards footsteps first. He motioned to his brother and they both fell into a low crouch. They knew from past experience that they were most scared when something popped out from below them.

As he passed between them, the shallow light of the tablet not providing enough light to see them by, they jump yelling, "AAAAAAHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!"

But instead of screaming in fear, this guard growled menacingly and grabbed them both by the ear closest to him and began dragging them towards their room. As they were dragged the guard began to lecture them both, "Do you two know how long I've been searching for you two. Wasting my entire shift, worrying that you'd been abducted by some deranged fangirls. You're lucky you have a recording session or I'd throw you both out a window." As he lectured he began to pinch their ears harder and harder. They both winced.

Finally, he released their ears, only to push them both into their room, at the same time, and then slam their door on them before they could get their bearings.

As one they slipped off their masks and looked at each other with only one question running through their minds.

What kind of guard had their manager hired?!

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~6 a.m.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Haruhi sighed as she rubbed her neck and tiredly waved to the morning guard, who had just gotten there.

The entire way home her only thought was a hot shower and more coffee.

After she had taken care of those two things, she fell to her bed and closed her eyes.

Her last conscious thought before sleep overtook her was that if those twins tried the same thing tomorrow she'd personally bolt their door shut.


Here it is! Night 1!

Tell me what you think.

See ya next time!

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