Fuck this teacher (1)

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Okay so today in English class, I had to start writing my essay about some boring play shit. So I got my quotes and shit out to write the damn thing and my teacher comes around to check that nobody is cheating with prewritten paragraphs.

Let's call this dumb fuck Dr.Hahn, because nobody liked that hoe in greys.

By the way, my teacher is a guy, but why do I care?

Anyways, so I started to write my topic sentences and he starts coming to my row to check my stuff. He approves everyone else's, expect mine.

Do you want to know why?

Because I wrote the header where to find the quote I wanted, instead of writing the quote.

Keep in mind, my quote was about 2 paragraphs long, and I didn't feel like rewriting it all and cleaning it up until I actually had to write the fucking essay.

So Dr.Hahn goes to me "You didn't write out quotes, you wrote a description, I will have to ask you to put that away."

And so my ass goes "No, this is wh-"
"Put it away please."
"You don't understand, th-"
"Put it away."

So the whole class started to look at us and I just shut my mouth and put the paper away. I continued to write my essay, but the kid behind me had to put his away.

I was still pissed, but not enraged.

Until this happened.

He goes to the last kid in the last row and he has the same problem.

But, he let's him keep the paper out. I turn around and give this guy to nastiest look (Dr.Hahn.) Me being the good child I am, I turned around and pretended to work.

So when he went back to his desk, I started to curse him out, inaudibly. I gave him the finger a couple of times, told him fuck you a couple of times, you know, just the nice things in life.

My favorite part is, each paragraph has to be 10 sentences (of your own writing, so not including your quotes or the topic sentences) and I barely started. Next week, I only have 20 minutes to do this, so imma bout to fail.

If this guy even gives me shit next week, I'm straight up going to stay after class and curse this bitch out.

That's all I have for today, if you want to hear more about my shitty teacher or my boring life in general, keep reading bitches.

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