Chapter 1

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I hated office hours, truly. My neck hurt from starring into my laptop all day and my butt had begun to sweat.

I had stood up to stretch my legs when the door swung open and Monica sauntered in.

She had this disgusting smile on her face and an envelope in her hands. 

I hadn't seen her all morning, and here she was in that hideous striped shirt. I hated stripes.

"Good morning!" She chirped.

"It's 3:51"

"Oh" She said, coming to a stop a few meters away.

"Oh?" I mocked, rounding the table to perch at it's front.

"Give me one good reason why I shouldn't have you thrown out this building, this level of tardiness is just WRONG."

She smirked and drew up closer.

"Rhonda Valkyrie" then she dropped the envelop on the surface besides me.

"My one good reason"

I picked up the envelope and felt it between my fingers. It was thick.

I glanced at the young lady who was beaming at me as she rocked left and right on her heels.

I reached into the envelope and pulled out it's contents. Files.

"Do you know how difficult it is doing a background check? Oh how in the world did Bunny get these things done." Monica moaned before collapsing into one of the leather armrest at my left.

I visibly winced at the mention of 'Bunny'. The dandy redhead coming to mind.

I began going through each file, liking what i was seeing.

"Our lady of the hour has quite a number of alias'. She served in the army but was then not-so-gracefully dismissed for reasons unfound. She was born  1975"

My eyes shot up to meet Monica's and I would've dropped everything I was holding.


"Bitch's almost 50"

I dropped the envelope and it's contents down besides me and  starred at Monica like she had just popped out an extra eyeball.

"What are you saying?"

"I'm dead serious Diana, 1975 November 8th. Her parents are Libby and Maddox Valkyrie. You'll find a birth certificate in one of the folders"

I stood up straight and began pacing. What has my life turned into? How am i about to marry my 25 year old boy to a woman twice his age? How stupid enough could he be to believe all her lies? How the hell could her skin look so great when she's almost in her 50's?

Jasmine reyes, PhD in Economics my ass.

"Monica grab your purse" I said, getting my phone and car keys before heading for the door.

"We going somewhere?" She asked as she rushed to gather her things and follow behind me.


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⏰ Last updated: Jul 19, 2020 ⏰

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