A virus?!

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Enjoy. I hope you like it. Tell me in the comments if you enjoyed reading... No hate comments please! Thanks, marshmallows!  (>~<) Author-chan out!

This is my story. I'm Amy and if I'm going to die during this time I might as well write this all down. I live in Indianapolis, Indiana. The year is 2017 and I was a ninth grader when this all happened. I was a normal ninth grader or what I guess you could call normal since my friends and I were the loners. It was seventh period when this all took place. (Forgive any errors! >~<)  There were five minutes before the bell so I took the time to finish my bellwork.

 I'm not particularly good at math so this was kind of difficult. The bell finally rang and class started. My teacher, Mr. Smith, walked to the front of the classroom. I laid my head down thinking it would just be another boring lecture but he said something that chilled me to the core. "Class, please refrain from panicking after hearing what I say. 

I've just been alerted that a virus has spread nationwide." he said in a worried tone. He sucked in a deep breath and continued. "The apocalypse has started." he said. "Zombies!" a shrill female voice yelled. I turned and looked in the direction the voice came from. "They're not zombies. They're just people with a deadly virus." I stated.

  She rolled her eyes and huffed in annoyance. I glared at her. "Keep rolling your eyes. Maybe you'll find a brain back there." I said, earning a few chuckles from the people around me. I laid my head back down, snickering. "Ugh, you hippies." she mumbled.

 I look back up at Mr.Smith. His hand covered his mouth and his eyes were squeezed shut. You could tell he was trying not to cry. "Ladies! Now is not the time to argue!" he yelled, his voice cracking. "Now I'm going to shut the blinds, lock the door, and shut off the lights. I want everyone to get under their desks and be quiet. Not a word!" he said. 

He walked to the door and locked it. He walked briskly over to the lights, shutting them off. He walked over to the windows, carefully closing and locking each one. He started towards his desk, crawling under it. I shut my eyes and let out a breath I didn't know I was holding.

 It was quiet, not a sound echoed through the halls or the room. It was slightly unnerving. Not long after shutting my eyes, a clicking sound resonated throughout the room. I looked at Mr. Smith who was visibly shaking. "Mr.Smith." I whispered. I assumed he either didn't want to be heard or hadn't heard me because he hadn't said anything.

(388 words) Did you enjoy? If so feel free to say so in the comments below... 

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