twenty three | scripts

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It was about to be a long night for Addi. She had received a few new scripts from her management that she needed to read through and make notes on. Grabbing her cup of coffee she turned on an 80s radio on Spotify and sat down one her couch.

Lulu struggled to get up on the couch with her, since she was still so small. Addi reached down to help to kitten up who then went to curl herself up against her feet. She smiled at the little gray ball of fur before picking up the first script and a pencil.

It wasn't a bad story and the characters were definitely interesting but Addi didn't think it was the right thing for her. Moving on to the next script this time lacking a plot overall, she barely even made it half way through before throwing it aside.

She could barely focus by the time she got to the third script, her thoughts were everywhere but on the scripts. Addi couldn't stop thinking about certain things, and certain people. She had definitely fallen for Elizabeth Olsen in the few weeks she had known her.

It didn't seem possible or likely to already be mesmerized by the woman, but Addi Thompson sure as hell was and then she had to go and screw it up. Elizabeth had asked her to open up, something that was impossible for her and yet it also made her want to.

Addi had no idea what Elizabeth was doing to her, but everything about the actress had taken over. She felt as if she had no control anymore, like she had lost it all to the marvel actress.

She attempted to push the woman from her mind and turn back to the current script in her lap, but something caught her attention. What if she could find a role in an upcoming marvel movie, it was crazy and most likely impossible but Addi was desperate.

Elizabeth was probably never going to talk to her again but what if she could find a project that they were both working on, had both been offered. It would give her a slim chance of fixing the mess she made, and she was desperate enough to do it too.

Addi missed talking to Elizabeth, missed everything about the woman from her quirks to her smile. She wanted to make things right with them.

Throwing the script on her lap to the side she kicked the blanket she had over her legs off, startling poor little Lulu. Addi rushed over to her office and began her search, for what she had no idea but she hoped it would jump out at her.

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Wow this is short and terrible but it's been forever so I'm sorry guys


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