Chapter 2: The Samurai's Plea

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AN: You may have noticed from the first chapter that I'm not exactly following the SAO storyline. But what's the fun in just rewriting the SAO storyline with Yuuki? I plan to add my own little plots into this story but they'll connect to the proper plot. Eventually.

Anyway, hope you enjoy this chapter. As always, feel free to give me feedback.

Onto the story!

(Does anyone even read my stories?)

(Also, this chapter is more centred around Kirito than Yuuki.)


Kirito's POV

A month has passed, but no one has cleared the first floor. No one has even found the boss room yet. Even beta testers like me haven't found the boss room. Many have already lost hope. But this game won't break me. Kayaba won't break me.  I wonder how Yuuki is doing.

"Help! Anyone?!" 

A sudden cry for help pierced my thoughts. I looked around, drawing my sword. There was nothing that I could see in the immediate vicinity save for trees, shrubs and vines everywhere. Walking around I turned towards the source of the desperate plea I just heard. Walking towards the source I could clearly see what was going on. A group of hooded figures with black robes seemed to be fighting against another group of players who dressed like samurais.   

"Pkers."  I thought. "Even though Kayaba only trapped the player of SAO for a month, people have already started to go insane. Player killers were people who decided to kill people for no reason except for sadistic enjoyment.  I can never understand why, but all I know is that I had to watch my back for not only monsters, but Pkers as well since I was solo. But I've never seen a large group of Pkers together. Usually they were solo or in groups of twos or threes. Not like five at once."

"Hey you guys. What do you think you're doing?" I yelled at the five hooded figures surrounding the injured samurais as I ran towards them, out onto the clearing. sword in hand.

"Damn it. Another person. We don't have enough manpower for another person. Retreat!" snarled one of the hooded figures who held a cleaver. With that, the group of black robed figures with hoods melted into the shadows of the forest.

"Ah, thank goodness you arrived. Thanks for saving us!" One of the samurais in the group walked towards me, thanking me. "My name's Klein and once again, thank you for saving me and my guild, the Fuurinkazan from those Pkers." 

"No worries. My name's Kirito. Does your guild know how to properly? It seems like you guys were taking quite a beating while they seemed almost unharmed." I noted that almost all of the members except for Klein had their health in the red zone, meaning they were about to be finished had I not intervened. Even Klein wouldn't have lasted much longer, seeing how his health bar was in the low yellow section. "Here, have some potions. It seems like your guild would need it." I said, handing out some potions to Klein.

"Thank you so much. Why would you help us though?" Klein asked curiously while handing out my potions to his injured guildmates. "I mean most people have the survival of the fittest mentality going on ever since that damned Kayaba trapped us here." Klein continued, before drinking a health potion. Klein made a gagged right after drained his potion. "Ugh, so....bitter. Well, I guess Kayaba still held onto some reality such as making medicine disgusting" Klein joked.

"Well, I guess I'm not like the majority of people here. Anyway, I'd never live with myself if I let a group of people die before my eyes without helping." I said, sitting down on a rock next to Klein. "Anyway, you didn't really answer my question. Do you and your guild know to fight?" I asked, eyeing Klein's guild.

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