Chapter 5

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Ichigo was running down the street. He was covered in sweat and worried was filled in his eyes. It has been a little over a month since Jenna disappeared and he continued to search for her. There would be random times when her spiritual pressure would appear then quickly disappear. At the moment it showed up in three different places; the park, her own house, and Ichigo's house. Ichigo was on his was to Jenna's house since Rukia was already at his house. Renji was already heading out to the park with the others. Ichigo cursed himself all the way to Jenna's house. 'How could I have been so stupid?' he yelled at himself 'Why didn't I listen to her when she was calling out to me!' All he could picture was the teary eyed Jenna trying to get him to listen. The morning when he was told about her disappearance his eyes were filled not with horror or sadness but with utter rage. As he round the corner he starts to remember the conversation at the house.

"What do you mean she disappeared? How could she have had...?" Ichigo stood up and started to concentrate on Jenna's spiritual pressure. His eyes widen as he could not feel anything from her. Ichigo sat down and slowly put his hand on his face. "W...what did I do. It's my fault." Rukia walked up him. "This is no time for blaming yourself. Captain Hitsugaya wanted us to bring you over to Orihime's house. There is something that you should know so hurry up and get dressed." Rukia said jumping out the window with Renji on her tail. Ichigo watched them go as he looked at the bracelet on his wrist. "Jenna...where did you go?"

Ichigo arrived at Orihime's house not long after. Orihime gave him a hug when he walked into the house. He smiled slightly and went to go sit down next to Uryu who smacked him in the back of the head twice. "Ow...why the hell does everyone keep hitting me!?" He yelled. Uryu pushed his glasses up and sent a cold glare towards him. "The first one was from Ryuken. The second one was for Jenna because she probably won't have the heart to hit you for sending her away!" He yelled smacking him again. Ichigo said nothing as he rubbed his head. Toshiro soon walked in with Rangiku and the others. "Alright since we don't have much time I need to say this. We owe you an apology Ichigo." Ichigo looked a little dumbfounded. "If we would have told you sooner then maybe we could have avoided something like this but what is done is done so we are going to tell you everything. We need to find Jenna as soon as possible" Ichigo gripped his fist as waited for Toshiro to start.

"A couple of Months back we detected a very powerful hollow rooming the outskirts of this town. It was eating souls of women who passed away along with their child. We were to stop it and capture it for the 12th division. We were able to located and stop it however, when we were about to bring it in the hollow itself exploded. There was no trace of it what so ever so we left it alone...something I wish we wouldn't have done. Six months after we had stopped the hollow we started to get an overload of souls. They were all women who had died with their child six months into their pregnancy. Me, Rangiku, Rukia and the others were sent to quickly investigate. We stocked out for a while and noticed that a lot of women here were carrying a child. We followed most of them and with the help of Renji's stupid foolishness we were able to find out unbearable information."

Ichigo looked at Renji and cocked his head to the side. "Foolishness?" Renji blushed and rubbed the back of his head. "Well...I figured we need to get up close and personal so I went down to talk to them in my human body. I told the ones who were willing to talk that I was doing a paper on babies and they kind of spilled more of what I needed to know." Everyone eyed Renji as he started to slob in depression in a corner. " the information we collect from Renji was that the women who were carrying children did not have any contact with their male partners at the time. They were either away on long trips, working every night, or just wasn't there." Toshiro said.

Ichigo looked at him with a startling look. Before he could get a word out Ikkaku started to blurt out. "That means whatever was making kids with the humans targeted only the ones who husbands or boyfriends were never there. Idiot..." Ichigo glared at Ikkaku before Toshiro cleared his throat from annoyance. "We soon learned that whatever was happening was only targeting woman in their 30s. Then it started targeting woman in their 20s. Then Jenna's age group. We still don't understand why it started to target different ages."

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