Chapter 9: He Blames Himself

Start from the beginning

      I felt Draco's body tense underneath mine. "Don't talk like that, Kimber. You will live. I'll make sure of it," his voice was very serious. I acted like I believed him, but in the back of my mind I knew it wasn't true. I didn't press it any further though, no fights tonight. It was just me and Draco.


      When it got too cold to sit in the dark corridor, Draco and I headed back to the Slytherin common room. It was well past one in the morning and my eyelids were getting heavier and heavier with each step against the stone floor. Looking into the pensieve really took it out of the both of us, Draco was staggering every once and a while. It would be a miracle for us to get back to the Slytherin common room without falling asleep right in the middle of the hallway. I clung to Draco as he pulled me to the entrance of the common room.

      "Pureblood," he whispered. I was already half asleep to the point where everything seemed to blur together. I felt strong arms lift me up like I was a feather, lips kiss my forehead, and loving words silenced in my ear. 

      It wasn't too long before I felt a mattress come underneath me, my pillow caressed my head. I opened my eyes to see gray ones staring back at me. My arms wrapped around Draco's neck, hugging him close to me. I never wanted him to leave me. Ever.

      "Please stay with me tonight, Draco. I don't want anymore nightmares," my voice was pleaded, almost heartbreaking. Draco didn't even hesitate for a second, I could feel him nod against my neck.

      "Of course, sweetheart. Just let me get changed really quick. I'll be back in a minute," he gently lifted my arms away from him and I longed for his touch again, wanting his body heat. Before he left he kissed my forehead again and I could feel my lips curl up into a smile. Why did he have to be so goddamn amazing?

      The door clicked shut and I pressed on to find some comfortable p.j's. Ah, a sleep shirt would do just fine. My cloak unbuttoned and I threw it over my chair, undoing my Slytherin blouse and pulling off my skirt and tights as well as my shoes. Slipping on the sleep shirt, I braided my hair on one side of my head and tied the end, going to the bathroom to quickly brush my teeth and wash my face. The mirror was my enemy right now considering the fact that my braid was terrible since I am so used to my mother doing it for me or standing in front of the reflective glass to make sure all the stray hairs were caught. The elastic wrapped around my fingers as I ripped it from my hair, getting the toothpaste on the brush and sticking it in my mouth as I redid the braid. That was when I heard a knock on the bathroom door. Draco, I though to myself. He must've heard the water running because he poked his head through the crack of the door, checking to make sure I was decent. Well, in my state of toothpaste trickling out of my mouth and my hands tangled up in my hair, I'm sure I looked like some crazy person. Draco just chuckled a bit.

      "Shut up," I said through the toothbrush, struggling to get my fingers out of my hair.

      "Here, let me help you," Draco offered, gesturing towards my hair. I nodded and finally unlatched my hands from my untamable mane, turning off the faucet. I continued on brushing my teeth after I wiped the mixture of spit and toothpaste from my chin. Draco simply watched me as I rinsed out my mouth and took the elastic from my wrist as I tied my tangled hair into a messy low bun to wash my face.

      Scrubbing away all the evidence of tears was quite nice. It was relaxing and made me feel like I could start over. Draco still watched me as I cupped my hands under the running warm water and splashed it on my face, the bubbles spiraling down the drain. My hands patted a towel all across my face until it was dry. Hands rubbed my shoulders as I hung the towel on the wall.

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