No.86- No.90

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86. Surgeons who play video games at least 3 hours a week perform 27% faster and make 37% fewer errors.

87. When written down, the word almost is the longest word in English to have all of its letters in alphabetical order.

88. Put a Pillow on your Fridge day is celebrated in Europe and the United States on the 29th May and is said to bring good luck to the household.

89. The tea-bag was an accidental invention, made when Thomas Sullivan released samples of tea in little silken bags and the customers, not realising they were samples, dunked the bags in. They soon became successful and Sullivan became swamped with orders for his 'tea bags'.

90. The word oxymoron is itself an oxymoron. It derives from Ancrient Greek where 'oxy' means sharp and 'moros' means stupid.

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