Guilt coursed through me, but I shook it off, because I had actually called her before, but she couldn't take the call because she was "busy," according to the lady who picked my Mom's phone. Anyways, if my math was correct, my Mom should be back the day after tomorrow.

  Ace and I got my gym uniform, with a disapproving cluck from Ms. Kim, and then we both headed home on foot in the now pounding rain with no umbrellas.


   Ace got sick. 

 I told him I didn't need his jacket because I had my own, but he had insisted upon throwing his on top of mine in the horrendous rain yesterday. Yes, we walked the whole ten minutes back home with nothing to cover ourselves from the unexpected rain. Well, I was covered from his and my jackets anyway.

   So now I was ready for school, sitting on my bed, with my phone in my hand, reading the text that said he couldn't go to school today because he's sick. I was up pretty early today and had a lot of time, so I decided to pay him a visit.

  I quickly ran to Jason's room, entered without knocking, and said, "You're dropping me to school today," and bolted out of his room before he could refuse or make any excuse. 

  I walked out of my house and reached Ace's. Now that I was there, I hesitated. What if he's on his bed, and I'm just going to make him get up and walk down and back up while he's sick?

  I decided to go back, because I knew it would be too inconsiderate if I made him come open the door when he's sick. Before I could walk away, though, my phone beeped. 

   There's a key on top of the ledge on the door. You can come in ;) - Ace

 My cheeks went hot as I realized he'd been watching. Nevertheless, I got the keys and let myself in. I walked up to his room, and gently knocked.

  Cough. "Come in." His voice was hoarse, making me jittery with nerves.

  I cautiously pushed the door open, and peeked inside. There on the bed lay Ace, with his blanket wrapped around his whole body, and his face pale. Even though he looked so sick, he still managed a small smirk.

  "Couldn't resist me, could you?" He smirked, but immediately a cough followed.

   I quickly walked to his bed and put my hand on his forehead. The temperature was mild, but he was still sick. 

 "Have you eaten anything since last night?" I ask worriedly. 

   "Yes, I'm capable of cooking for myself Ellie. Now stop worrying and come cuddle with me," he lifted a little bit of his blanket and moved to the side a bit, gesturing me to slide in.

  My face went slack. And then it went hot. "I...I umm..." I stuttered nervously. "You need to rest...and you're...sick," I finished stuttering, my face red from embarrassment. 

   "So? I'll rest better when you're cuddling with me." He smirked at my red face. 

  I reached out to tuck the blanket back in. "I don't think s-" He grabbed my wrist suddenly and pulled. I went toppling over onto the side he had cleared for me.

  "ACE!" I yelled at him as he payed no heed and pulled me closer to his body and threw the blanket over me as well. My hand fell on his chest, and another fact registered in my mind. 

  "You're not wearing a shirt!" I shrieked indignantly, my heart pounding in my chest, pulling my hand back as if he'd burned it. I moved away from him, and almost toppled off the bed. Ace snaked his arm around my waist, pulling me back onto the bed and closer to him.

I Fell in Love with the Bad BoyWhere stories live. Discover now