I glared at him, only making him smirk even more. Show off.

He pulled off the golden chain and let you have your way with the crest. You gave a happy gurgle as you chewed on it.

"So what's the kid's name again?"


Your eyes went straight to me when I said your name. You gave me a gummy smile.

"Your a shrimp! How old is (y/p)?"

"Only 5 month olds. So (y/p)'s got a lot to grow."

"Clearly!" He laughed, gently taking you into his arms and bouncing you easily.

You let out happy gargless as he did so. Your arms doing a cute up and down motion. You kicked your feet, delighted.

It made me feel so warm hearing your laughter, it was like a melody to me. Demetri also seemed happy to hear you laughing, because on his face was a genuine smile.

"So where's Alec at?"

"He's down at the pool with Nessie, I think those two like each other?"

"Oh really? Do you wanna play love doctor?"

"...... sure? What are we gonna do?"

"Ill bring Alec with me so he can spend a bit more time with her, you can head back home with your child once your done checking on her.
Before then, all you gotta do is constantly push those two together until I get back!"

I nodded and smiled, this was going to be brilliant!

Speaking of the two, we could hear them coming down the hallway, talking and giggling like school girls.

It was honestly sweet, they both seemed like they deserved a good night to themselves.

I quickly got up and opened the door for them. Then sat back down on the bed. Both of the two were still wet from the pool.

"So did you two have fun?"

Demetri asked them.

"Yeah we had lots of fun! We went on the giant water slide and we got into the hot tub to relax a little bit!" Nessie exclaimed excitedly, but then her face suddenly dropped into a frown.

Nessie's eyes went wide when she spotted Demetri. She eyed him scared.

"You know, I'm not here to hurt you kid, I'm here for another reason. So you're safe." He said winking at her.

I could see her visibly relaxing again. Alec shrugged it off and grabbed her hand, pulling her into their own room. Shutting the door behind them.

Demetri turned to me with a huge grin on his face.

"They so like each other." He whispered to low for them to hear.

I nodded in response. I learned back into the bed, while Demetri played with you. Bouncing and tickling you. You didn't seem to mind him to much.

"Well I'll be going now, nice running into you and your little one here." He said handing you back to me. You gave an unhappy whine.

He left, leaving me and you to ourselves.

I sighed and placed you back into your little makeshift crib. Your fingers still tightly wrapped around the crest, you nawed on it.

"Tomorrow's going to be one back of a day, huh?"

You only looked at me and smiled.

~The Next Morning~

Before I knew it, morning was already here. Meaning it was time to take Nessie home and that we had to head back to Volterra, well me and you did. Alec still had to stay with Demetri.

A guard's Child (Felix volturi & child Reader)Where stories live. Discover now