"Hey" she replied.

"You mind if I sit here?" he said through the loudness of the music.

"Its not my nightclub." she chuckeled.

Randy took a seat next to her and looked on. They sat in awkward silence until he said

"So why are you sitting here alone?"

"Partying isnt really my thing. I prefer to just sit and watch."

"Really? A beautiful girl like yourself shouldnt be alone. I should keep you company."

VC-Sasha- Okay, Randy you're hot but I cant help but get a creepy vibe from you. Leave.

"Its fine. Im okay being alone."

He moved his stool closer to her, "You sure? I bet you would love my company. All the ladies do." He placed his hand on her lap.

"Im sorry, im not looking for a cheap hook up. If you are looking for a quick smash, lower your standards cuz im way above your level son." Sasha moved his hand and walked away.

She went into the lounge area. There she saw Roman, Dean, Seth, Becky, Emma, Shinsuke and Finn.

She sat next to Becky and sparked up a conversation. Then she noticed none other than Randy making his way into the lounge aswell.

"You got to be kidding me." she muttered.

She paid him no mind and continued on with Becky.

"Sasha, can I talk to you?" he intervened.

"No. Stop following me."

"C'mon, just for a minute. I just want to apologize."

She looked at him, "Fine. Just a minute."

She got up and went with him by the entrance door.

He held her by her wrist and pulled her close to him.

She slapped his hands away, "What the hell do you think you're doing?"

"I just want to spend some time with you Sasha." he said with a deep, sleepy voice, "Let me get to know you a little bit."

"No thank you."

As Sasha was about to turn and walk away, Randy pulled her back by her hand.

"Stop denying it, I know you want me."said Randy.

"Can you go fuck yourself!?"she yelled.

At the same moment, Roman approached.

"You alright Sasha?" he asked.

VC-Roman- I was going outside to take a piss, not a fan of public restrooms, and apparently I walked into a little dispute.

"She's fine big guy just mind your business." Randy said as he gently grabbed Sasha by the wrist once again.

"This guy is so full of himself that he thinks I want to hook up with him."said Sasha, "Fuck off Randy."

"I know you're going to be crawling into my bed later tonight sweetheart."Randy said, "I see the way you look at me."

"Dude, she dont want nothing to do with your ass. Get lost."said Roman.

"And who the fuck are you? Man, fuck off before you cause problems that you aint ready for."Randy replied.

"What kinda problems are we talking about? Because I can beat your punk ass right here right now."Roman got up in his face.

Randy pushed him, "Get outta my face bro."

Roman walked up closer to him.

"Do that shit again. Do that shit again! I dare you!"he aggressively said.

"Woah woah woah whats going on here?" Dean and Seth rushed in from hearing the commotion.

Seth inserted himself between Randy and Roman.

"I got everything under control boys. Its just Randy."Roman said while glaring at Randy.

Randy barged out of the club.

VC-Roman-I dont like cocky assholes. I think that's exactly what Randy is. Im telling you now, we aint gonna click.

Deliberation-Bayley and Shinsuke

Bayley and Shinsuke sat at a table poolside enjoying their winner's meal of steak.

"So, Shinny, can I call you that? Because im not to sure how to pronounce your name."

"Its Shin-sk-ay."

"I prefer Shinny."

"Alright then."

"So, who are you sending into the Elimination Chamber?"

"I dont know. I get along with everyone. Its a hard decision."

"Wow, Shinny your English is bad. Hmm, what about Enzo? He doesnt really perform that well."

"Enzo is a good guy. Why dont we throw in a strong player like Finn? Or Seth? Its the smarter decision."

"But theyre cute."

"Thats not the point."

"What about the girls?" Bayley asked.

"I think we should throw in Alexa because she cheated."

"Yea thats a good point."

As they were discussing, out came Charlotte.

"Hey guys, mind if I join?" Charlotte asked as she approached.

"This is for winners only Charlotte." Bayley said sternly.

"I just came to give my suggestion."

"Keep it. We've made our decision."

"Bayley, hear me out. You need to send in Paige."

"Why? She's a nice girl."

"Oh, so you think. Shes a snake guys. You cant trust her. She'll want to get close to you to learn you weaknesses. She tried to hook me up with John to throw me off my game after I specifically said it would. You cant trust her Bayley. Do the smart thing."

"This is our deliberation. Why should I listen to you?"

"Because itll benefit you in the long run. One less snake to watch out for. Also, in the future when I win challenges, I promise not to send you into the Chamber. You too Shin. Think about it." Charlotte said before she left.

As soon as she left, Sasha arrived.

"Oh, lemme guess your here to tell me who to vote in too? May I remind you that I won and you didnt!" Bayley banged the table and Shinsuke's steak fell into the pool.

"Wow, I didnt know you were such a bitch Bayley. Dont let the power get to your head. Anyway yes, im here to hopefully convince you to choose someone."

"Who?" Shinsuke said.

"Randy." Sasha said and explained why she wanted him gone.

VC-Sasha- Right now im going to try to do whatever I can to get rid of him Randy. He's just so pathetic.

"Thanks for your time pinky but dont get your hopes up! Be gone!" Bayley said.

Sasha rolled her eyes and left.

"Man, being in control is awsome!" Bayley exclaimed.

"So, do you know who we're sending in?" Shinsuke asked.

"Definitely." Bayley gave an evil smile.

"You owe me a steak."

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