chapter 2

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There is violence so skip chapter if easily triggered.

*Stiles point of view*

         When I woke up, my arms were tied up and my head was hanging loosely above my chest. I squinted my eyes and looked around, I was in a car for sure, because there were windows and I felt every bump we hit. I looked around, still half drugged, and noticed a giant figure tied up as well.

My eyes widened when I finally realized it was the werewolf from the lacrosse game. I yanked against the ropes with no success, I frowned and looked to the werewolf. He was tied up with chains and had a crown of wires tangled and attached to his head. I titled my head, confused.

What the hell is that contraption?

I shrugged as well as I could, and went back to figuring out my own problem. I yanked and rattled the ropes, until I had awakened the werewolf. "Where am I?"

I froze, turned awkwardly, and smiled forcefully. "Well it seems we're in the bounce house of fun! Doesn't it?"

I regretted it because the werewolf let out a growl only Derek used. "Why the hell am I tied up like a-"

I cut him off to try and finish his sentence, "like a dog?"

He bared his fangs and I shrunk back but chuckled a nervous laugh nonetheless. He snarled and tried to move forward, only to be shocked by the wires attached to his head.

He howled in pain, "What the actual fu-?!"

He was shocked a few more times before he gave up, exhausted.

     The car ride was ongoing for more than an hour. We stopped multiple times, the people with masks would drag us outside and make sure we weren't gonna piss ourselves, or tear each other throats out. And when I mean each other I mean mr. wolfy was gonna tear my throat out.

At our last stop, they shoved us back into the car, and tied us up. "So Mr. Wolfy, I never got your name...."

I was desperate at this point, I had a bad feeling in my gut, and it was making me nervous, so I talked the feelings away.

The dick wolf grunted, "That's because I didn't give you one."

I rolled my eyes, despite what was happening, "You realize we could die, and your literally fighting with a tiny, pale human. Just give me your fucking name, so I can be distracted even if for thirty seconds."

The wolf smirked, "Stiles I know your nervous the smell is radiating from you. It's freaking me out."

I made an awkward smiling face and turned away. Both of us went silent because of the footsteps we heard coming from the back of the car.

"My name is David." The wolf finally said defeated.

The back doors swung open, and people dressed in all black with face masks covering the entirety of their faces emerged. They whispered to each other before moving to press a cloth over my nose and mouth once again.


        When I woke up I was in a dark room, I tried to stand but was stopped by netting. I was in a cage.

"Wait i'm not a wolf!! Let me out of here!!" I was yelling as loudly as I could.

This is a mistake. They'll let me go once they realize.

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