I feel eyes on me again as King Robert and his party join us. I look up and finally meet the eyes of the mysterious knight. He is handsome, even with the burn on the right side of his face. He tries to hide most if it with his longish, dark hair.

I cannot help wondering what happened to him, how he got the burn. My heart breaks a touch for the poor man.

I sling my quiver across my chest, my bow secured in it, before making my way to relieve the poor stable boy of his wild charge. As I near them, Devil rears knocking the poor boy to the ground.

I grab Devil's bridle as his front hooves touch the ground. He snorts and strikes at the ground with a hoof. He prances sideways, neck arched, as I move to his side to mount. I tangle my fingers in his thick, black mane and vault nimbly onto his back, not even bothering to use the stirrups.

"You sure you can handle that fine animal?" I look over to see blond and charming Jamie Lannister.

"What, this kitten?" I croon running my hand down Devil's arched neck. He snorts and tosses his head, prancing sideways. His wildness is just a facade; I actually have complete control of him.

The procession of horses, carriages and wagons begin making their way out of Winterfell. I look back at my brother and best friend, standing next to Theon and Jon. Jon and I share one last commiserating look before I whirl Devil and gallop out the gate. Moon lopes along beside us.

I fall into line a behind father and settle in for the long ride. After an hour, Jamie pulls his horse in line next to Devil with a smile.

"He is a fine looking mount Lady Elyria," he says with an appreciative gaze.

"Thank you," I say with a proud smile.

"Is he as swift as he looks," Jamie asks, a slightly challenging twinkle in his blue eyes.

"Want to find out?" I challenge.

"A race sounds like fun," he says with a grin. "If you think you can keep up."

"A race sounds like a fun break," King Robert says, having apparently overheard us.

He calls a halt to the procession for a quick race. Several knights also decide to join in, well the rest begin taking bets on who will win.

The eyes of that knight, I have heard him called the Hound, watch me but his face remains stern. He remains aloof from the festivities, only watching passively.

Those of us racing line up as King Robert points to a large tree half a mile from the side of the road. The horses become antsy as they sense the coming race.

Time to give them a show, I think mischievously, telepathing my thoughts to Devil with nearly invisible cues. He begins to snort and dance, tossing his head wildly.

At the command, he rears, hooves thrashing the air, as the other horses burst forward from the start. The Hound shakes his head almost imperceptibly, as if already counting me out.

Just you wait. I lean low over Devil's neck, touching his sides with my heels. He leaps forward into a gallop, racing after the pack which is halfway to the tree by now. Devil's long, swift stride eats up the distance between us, catching the others as we circle to go back.

The second we are headed back, I throw Jamie a grin and wink before dropping even closer to Devil's neck. "All right boy, give 'em hell."

Devil lunges forward, galloping flat out now. In moments he is leaving the others behind. Jamie's horse fights admirably to keep up, but even it is left in the dust.

We reach the end well ahead of the others and I rein him to a halt, both of breathing heavily. Devil is still snorting and dancing, rearing to go more.

The others' horses are much more tired when they arrive. Most of the men groan and complaining about loosing. Jamie Lannister has a big grin on his face though, like a good sport.

"That horse is amazing," he says. "Let me know if you ever want to get rid of him."

"As if you could handle him," I retort with a laugh.

"There is a reason he is known as the Devil of the North," father adds at Jamie's surprised look. "Elyria is actually the only rider in the North to be able to tame the Devil." He adds to King Robert.

King Robert smiles at me. "She is a fine rider Ned; you must be very proud."


Hope you liked the new chapter. More adventures and shenanigans to come as they reach King's Landing.

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