Trying to find answers

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I freaked out shaking with fear, it was Mr ROBINSON! What did I do to make Karma hit me so bad! So I raised my hand asking if I could go to the bathroom.
                  "Of course Miss Anderson." He smiled creepily at me so I walked out, if I ran out he'd think something was up.
"Chloe..." I got nervous if he would of done something violent or said something which would break me out my mom's heart.
"You forgot your bag." I smiled awkwardly as I went to pick it up.
"Thank you sir." I finally walked out.
                  I rushed to the bathroom as fast as I could and locked myself in their...(the toilets were VERY small. Strangely it seemed like he didn't remember me...But I know he would of, he's playing with me on purpose...I know it wasn't his TWIN. He never had a twin! I don't even know what to think anymore!
                First it was my mom slapping her boss in the face, second Mr Robinson used my mother for knowing more about her and now he's my teacher! He looks really lovely and friendly, but trust...Deep down there's a rotten horrible monster.
"Should I tell my mom?" I thought scratching my chin. But I made my choice at some point.
"No Chloe! You are trying to make your mom less stressed, not MORE! Persuades she's only just starting smiling!" But the question was could I handle this all myself? No way! No. I'm rubbish at being responsible for something this big!
"Chloe?" Mr Robinson called. His voice slipped down my throat.
                   "Chloe? Where are you?" He called out. I just stayed in the toilets nervously.
HE WAS IN THE GIRLS BATHROOM! I wanted to puke! I could see his posh brown shoes and could picture seeing his brown fuzzy hair.
"Chloe...I can see you." He lifted his head over the toilet door...I gasped as he saw me.
I obviously had no choice but to unlock the door.
                   "You okay? You were in there for quite a while." He looked concerned. I was in there for like 60 seconds! I had to make up an excuse WHY I was in the toilet.
"I'm so sorry Mr Robinson, I lied. I didn't need it it's just that my pet gold fish died." I tried to look sad. I could tell by his face he DIDN'T believe with me but he rolled with it.
                 "Oh my! I'm so sorry Chloe. Would you like to talk ab..."
"No thanks!" I quickly interrupted him. "I'll be fine, I just find it depressing talking about him." I picked up my bag quickly.
"Okay then, well if you ever want to talk to me I'll always be in my class! Don't be scared to say anything to me. Make me make you feel happy and safe." He smiled. I WAS scared to tell him things and I Knew he wanted to find out what's going on now back at my house. It's kinda strange, he acts like I'm his best student and before he was screaming at me for telling my mom about what he said.
                "How about we now get to class?" I nodded pretending that I was really happy and that he was best friend.
"Sure!" I walked out with him. When we got to the classroom I sat down in my seat.
"I'm sorry that took so long children now let's move on! Your English books? Well my wife spilled her glass of coffee on them. Sorry kids, so I got you new ones!" He handed them out telling us to put out names on and ours teacher's name.
                I thought to myself 'Wife? Does he mean my MOM? Did he make it up? Or does he ACTUALLY have a wife?.' I couldn't wait to go home now to research more about him. I had a plan, I'd stay in at break to finish off my 'work' so I could actually get some answers off him. Or at least try, the tedious lesson dragged on and on and it was finally over!
             "Okay class, remember to do your English homework!" Mr Robinson reminded them, then he made eye contact with me...
"So, what part are you stuck on?" He sat in his blue cosy chair. I looked through it and picked out one.
"I'm stuck on question 6." I told him. He looked at my book and I began to speak.
            "Stop playing your dumb games James! I remember you with my mom and everything! Now want do you want? You've already wrecked my mom's life...Wanna wreck mine too?" I raised to my voice standing up. He played dumb looking very puzzled.
          "What are you talking about Miss Anderson? Is everything okay with your family?" He stood up too. I moaned at him impatiently.
"James, stop playing dumb! I need to know what you want!" I banged my powerful fists on the wooden table. "If you do not tell me I swear to god I will punch your eyes out!" I added. He stood their trying to play his act once again.
          He would not give me anything at all. No answers and no anything! I just stormed out the door. I was sick of him! How did he even know I was coming here anyway? Was he spying on me? I didn't know. Now let's skip alllll this to break! I was so glad that I didn't have him any lessons before break.
        I sat outside all alone by myself...Sometimes I liked being by myself. But not all the time.  My mom texted me asking 'How has your day been so far?' With a smiley face. I responded that it was great. In reality it's terrible, probably the WORST. Mr Robinson walked past me, suddenly he threw my sandwiches on the floor! To everyone else he did it by accident.
                "GOD! I'm sick of you!" I picked up everything and I kicked him in the legs and ran away really quickly. Now let's skip all the way to the end! I was just sitting in my room listening to Ariana Grande and researching him...It said nothing about Andersons or me or my mom.
             "Honey! A guest has come to see you!" My mom shouted from downstairs.
"Coming!" I ran downstairs and the guest was in the living room.
"So, this is Bryan! He's from your school, I know his mom VERY well. We are good friends, we thought that you could get to know him." He smiled at me nicely and I smiled back...However, I looked at his face and, he looked like Mr Robinson but a teenage version...

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