>Chapter Seventeen<

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~Chapter Seventeen - War {DAY TWO}~

Lord Phoenix's POV

We take land on Lord Shadow's village land. I hop off the boat and onto the docks, along with the fifty guards I brought with me. "Are you sure we are ready for this sir?" One asks me. "I am sure. Lord Shadow needs assistance in war. Not only has she dealt with the war within her family, but outside of it. The whole world was out to get her at one point, but she has changed drastically and we are part of her alliance." I assure the guard but say it loud enough so all of them can hear. "Now, let's go greet her, we only have one day left to prepare," I state loudly.

Lord Sylvie's POV

I see a boat in the distance docked at Shadow's mainland. "LAND HO!" Jack calls out. I nod and Aaren joins me at the surface of the boat. "How will we approach this?" He asks, worries seeping into his words. "When all the Lords have come and gathered, we will talk in the focus. The guards will train for a while then help with whatever is left over." I explain to the fox-tailed man. Aaren nods. 

Lord Emily's POV

My guards surround me as we stand at the gates, waiting for the other lords. "Milord?" My personal guard asks. "Yes, Alexa?" I look to her. "Are we ready for this war? I mean, yeah, we've fought in a war before, but only one. They weren't alongside anyone, but this time, Rosewood has about three other allies." I grunt. "We are. I know we can beat Rosewood. We won't let Lord Shadow fight on her own." Alexa nods. I gaze out to the ocean and see two boats. Lord Phoenix, Lord Sylvie. Lords of Acorntop and Pearlcloud. "Lord Sylvie, Lord Phoenix." I greet. "Lord Emily," They both greet in unison. 

Shadow's POV

I look to the gates and see somewhere around two-hundred guards and three people that stand out to me. Lord Emily, Lord Phoenix, Lord Sylvie. I stand from where I sat and run to the gates. "Open them!" I shout to the guard on top of the gate's wall. She pulls on the rope and the gates open. Guards rush in and go to where they were assigned. "Come," I demand. "Close them!" I shout to the guard on the wall again. She releases the rope and the gates fall closed. We run to the Lord's Focus. I burst the doors open and we close them as soon as we opened them. "Take a seat," I say sternly to the three. They took their seats right next to each other on the right side. I sit down on the left side in the middle of the three. 

"Thank you deeply for coming," I say, staying straight-faced. "As you know, we shall be going to war with Rosewood tomorrow. My village has fallen to them before and that won't happen again. For this time, we have allies and are aware of our conflict." Lord Sylvie nods. "So, how are we going about this?" Lord Emily asks. "Im not sure at that. Plans still need to be made, and I waited for you three to get here to do so." They nod in agreement. "I got something... How about this..." Lord Phoenix starts to explain and a smirk falls to my face, enjoying the idea.

Third-Person POV

Lord Shadow smirks as the lord of Pearlcloud explains his idea."I like it." She growls happily. "It's not too shabby," Lord Emily praises. Lord Sylvie smiles and nods in agreement. Just then, the door burst open, almost breaking from the hinges. "Lord Shadow!" The head guards come in. "What is it, Caspian?" Lord Phoenix asks his guard. "We have attackers!" Alexa, Lord Emily's head guard shouts. "You have to be kidding!" The werewolf lord is baffled. She didn't know if this was war or a threat. "War or threat?" Lord Sylvie practically reads Shadow's mind. "We're not sure, but there certainly enough people for war," Danny growls. "Let's go, my lords!" Aaren shouts. They all stand and run past their head guards and beeline it to the gates. Lord Shadow, Lord Sylvie, Lord Phoenix, then Lord Emily ascend the ladder to stand above the gates to peer over the walls. "Lord Shadow... Ah, I see Sylvie Kanze, Phoenix Lievesley, and Emily Collat." The angry lords on the wall growl at the Lord. "Arlo... You're an ally to Rosewood, aren't you?" Lord Phoenix scowls at the horrid lord beneath them. "Hmm, I don't know, am I?" Lord Arlo chuckles evilly at his sarcasm. "We only came as a warning. Two more allies will be by tomorrow, just before the war. Be. Ready." He laughs, the volume going up, then he and army disappear into thin air. 

Danny's POV

SLAM! My head goes up quicker than an arrow shot from a bow. I see an angry Shadow Wagner, driving her fists into the table.  "My lord, please, be calm." I sooth, hoping to calm her. "HOW?!" She clears her throat, "How can I be calm? We are going to war, Danny!" I put my head down on the table, and sigh. "Think about it," I put my head up and cross my arms, leaning back in my chair. "What does 'stay calm' mean?" I ask. Shadow ponders for a second or two. "Staying calm means I won't lose control," I nod, "What else?" The werewolf thinks again. "Um... Staying calm means I won't hurt our people." I nod and smile with satisfaction. "Good." She and I stand and walk to the doors. When we get out we spot Phoenix, Emily, and Sylvie. "My lords," I greet and then walk away to the guard towers. 

I open the heavy stone door and walk in. I see some of the guard's arm wrestling each other. I look to my left and see Aaren wrestling one of our guards, Scar, and Aarens winning. Once Aaren pins Scars arm down, he jumps and screams as the room fills with 'OOH!'. I shout, "AYE!" The room goes silent and I get nervous stares. They know im in charge around here. "We don't need this, we need to train! Grab your weapons and head out to the training grounds!" I command. Guards bullet out of the room and outside with their staffs, bows and arrows, swords, you name it. 


They all lay on the ground, tired, while I lean on a wall nearby. "D-Danny?" Travis pants. "Yeah?" I throw my glance over to him. "H-How are you n-not tired?" I shrug. "Used to it. Train all the time." He stares at me like I have the body of a Naga. "What?" Travis shakes his head and stands up, walking away. 

The other guards got up and now they get back to what they were doing, which I don't care for right now. I walk to the houses and knock on the door of the first house. An old lady opens the door. "How is everything so far?" I ask. The lady puts down a potion bottle. "Good, please don't let us down in this war." She requests. I smile at her, "Don't worry, we won't." She closes her door slowly and I walk to the next house.

Last house. I knock and the door opens a crack. "Y-Yes?" Once the girl spots me, the door opens a bit wider. "Hello, Danny!" Koki exclaims. I smile and the Neko girl. "Hello, Koki!" I hear footsteps within in the house. "Mom? Who is it?" I hear a voice ask. Mason. "Hey Mason, how you doing little buddy?" I crouch down. "Hi, Danny!" He runs to hug me. Once he lets go I stand up. "I came to see how things were doing." She closes the door super slowly. "Good, thanks for dropping by!" I wave and walk away, hearing the door close behind me.

The old witch's words ring in my head, giving me a headache. 

"Good, please don't let us down in this war."

I won't let my village down.

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