House of Anubis; Evie the Newbie

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My life 

My name is Evie I’m 16 and I live with my Grandma and Grandpa. My life had been quite boring, in fact it's always been the same. I’ve always wished for something new to happen, but ever since going to boarding school everything changed. This is how it started… 

‘’Taxi’s here sweetheart’’ Grandma yelled, ‘’I’m coming’’ I shouted. As I rushed downstairs I hugged my Grandma and Grandpa, being away from them was difficult since I’m usually always stuck with them at home, but maybe its some-thing I’d get used to. I said my last goodbyes to them; I went quickly over to the taxi and started to put my bags away. As I got in I waved goodbye ‘’Bye’’ I yelled, they waved back. As we drove off, I started feeling nervous, but maybe it’s a new fresh start for me. ‘’ You must be excited’’ Man said ‘’ Yeah, Absolutely’’ I smiled. After 1 hour of the journey we finally arrived. I began to get out of the car and gathered my belongings the man had given me. ‘’Here’s the money’’ I said ‘’Thank you’’ man said quietly. He went in the car and drove away. As I turned around I saw the House of Anubis house. My eyes began to melt. The boarding house was humongous; it wasn’t some-thing I’d expect. I picked up my belongings and slowly moved towards the boarding house. I arrived. Before I even began to knock on the door, it just opened. As I walked in a man appeared. ‘’ You must be the new girl’’ he yelled. I began to feel nervous and shy. ‘’ My name’s Evie turner’’ I said quietly. ‘’I will be showing your roomm, this way’’ he yelled. I walked forward not knowing how big the place was. It was more than just big. It was some-thing I’d never seen before. I looked around and caught a glimpse of students eating. As they all looked we went by upstairs. ‘’ Come on’’ He shouted. Was it just me or was this man being so rude? He suddenly stopped. ‘’This is your room; you are sharing with Nina and Amber you can start by putting your clothes in the spare wardrobe, your bed is in the far corner. If there are any problems come to me’’ He shouted. As he went off I moved further into the room and began to put my clothes in the spare wardrobe he was talking about. I felt scared and nervous after seeing all the students downstairs staring at me. I was even missing my grandparents. As I finished putting my clothes away a person appeared. She had long brown and wavy hair. ‘’ Hi I’m Nina you must be new’’ she said. ‘’ I... I’m Evie’’ I inaudibly said. I was often this quiet girl, I never spoke much.  I was always stuck at home not allowing to socialize much. What did she expect from me? ‘’ You know my first day back here; I was completely nervous, but things got better and better as the day went’’. I interrupted Nina. ‘’Sorry, I’m just a bit tired that’s all ’’ I said roughly. I stood up for a minute. ‘’ Oh Ok, well if you need help I’ll be downstairs’’ she said kindly. She drifted off. I finished unpacking more off my belongings. As I sat on my bed I realised how harsh I was being to Nina. As few minutes went past. I started missing my parents. They died in a car crash if you’re wondering what happened to them. I was only 10, it all happened too quickly.

After a while of thinking, I stood up and slowly crept downstairs for sip of water hoping they wouldn’t see me. I could hear laughter coming from the lounge. Once I had arrived at the kitchen I drank a glass of water when suddenly a group of students approached. ’Hey I’m Mara, nice to meet you what’s your name?’ she kindly said. I looked at the others then looked back to Mara. ‘Evie My names Evie’ I said quietly. They all started talking at once. I covered my ears with my hands. The same man approached. ‘QUEIT EVERYONE, as you can see Evie is a quiet girl and doesn’t need you all making silly noises, she has been going through alot, now quiet’ he yelled. Just then I raced out of the kitchen and back upstairs. I remembered every single word he said especially telling the students I’ve been going though alot. They don’t need to know. As I sat on my bed a student approached. It was Nina the same girl that came earlier. ‘H… Hi I’m sorry about before’ I said. She came towards and sat next to me. ‘Don’t worry its fine so what was Victor talking about’ she asked. I got confused as to who she was talking about. ‘Victor, the one that lead you to your room the one that said you’ve been having problems in the past’ she explained. Now I know who he is and what could I tell her. My eyes went watery. Maybe I could. ‘Uh… it’s nothing, my parents passed away that’s all’ I said. ‘Oh I’m really sorry about your parents, what happened’ she asked kindly. ‘Uh it’s ok and just stuff’ I said quickly. ‘Oh ok, well you seem like a quiet girl’ she explained.’ That’s kind of what everyone says ‘I laughed. ‘You know it’s kind of fun having you around’ she said. ‘Thanks’ I smiled. ‘Come on let’s go downstairs and meet the other students’ she said. ‘Uh’ I quietly said. ‘It’s ok, I’ll be there with you’ she politely said. ‘Ok wait one second’ I yelled out. I quickly went to my wardrobe and got out this book that was mine. Nina looked at me. ‘Oh, just in case I lose it’ I said. ‘Oh what’s special about it’ she asked.’ It’s my mum and dads; they gave it to me to keep, minutes before they died. I answered back. ‘Oh, that’s nice’ she smiled. She came to give me a quick hug.

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