v. grey water

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chapter five — dangerous love

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chapter five — dangerous love.

VICTORIA REALLY DIDN'T want to get up today but she told the losers she'd meet them at the barrens. she couldn't sleep, she was worried they'd think she was insane like greta and sally. she quickly raced down the stairs to pick up some toast before leaving the house. "bye mama!" tori shouted as she slammed the door. victoria began the long trek to the barrens, sadly she lived on the other side of derry which sucked but it was a good exercise.

victoria always had a pen on her to jot down any novel ideas but today her head was clouded with the losers. they welcomed her so fast into their group she realised that they could of ignored her but they didn't. they wanted to hang around with her, victoria didn't really speak to her other friends outside of school. it was obvious they hated her and she knew that.

tori watched cars pass by as she walked through the town. 'love' was the only thing she'd wrote down on her hand. she didn't even know why she'd wrote that. victoria had stopped paying attention to where she was going ages ago which was probably the cause of her running into somebody else. "I'm s-sorry!" the person chuckled, she knew that laugh. she looked up to see richie. "carry on stuttering and you'll sound like bill." she let out a laugh before taking richie's hand.

"so pretty lady bill asked me to find you, would you do me the favour of walking with me?" she bowed as a joke. "why sure tozier it'd truly be an experience." she winked at him before dusting off her jeans. richie tozier had never seen her in jeans before, she was always wearing skirts but she looked just as good in jeans. he wasn't going to lie, the first thing he noticed was her ass.

"v-victoria!" the girl ran up to bill and hugged him. "hi billy!" she laughed, hugging eddie and stan as well. "how was becoming a man stan?" he chuckled. "eventful" richie finally appeared through the trees. "thanks for leaving me victoria." she flipped him off and stuck out her tongue. richie placed his hand on his chest pretending to be offended before flipping her off. the pair laughed. "c-come o-on love b-birds." bill shouted as the group walked off to the sewers. richie jogged over to tori slinging his arm over her shoulder which she lightly brushed off.

the group walked down the mini hill together with bill a little bit ahead. "that's poison ivy, that's poison ivy and that's poison ivy." richie and victoria rolled their eyes as they walked into the giant sewer pipe. "no every fucking plant is poison ivy stan!" richie said, tori nodding in agreement. "okay well I'm starting to get itchy and I'm pretty sur-" richie interrupted into his sentence. "do you use the same bathroom as your mother?" victoria looked grossed out by all the floating objects in the water, obviously it was a sewer but it was still disgusting.

"yeah sometimes why?" eddie answered. "then you probably have crabs!" tori laughed and smiled sheepishly at eddie when he glared at her. "that is so not funny." richie began splashing victoria with the water. "eddie it kinda was." victoria said, squealing as she felt the water dampen her jeans. "richie stop being a dick! this is disgusting!" richie stopped and turned to stan and eddie who were lurking by the entrance. "aren't you coming in?" eddie shook his head. "nuh uh! that's grey water." richie and tori gave each other a look that meant 'what is he talking about?'

stan sighed at his friends. "what the hell is grey water?" richie shouted at the boy, the stick he picked up pointing at the young boy. "it's basically piss and shit. so I'm just telling you your splashing around in millions of gallons of derry pee." vi turned to her right to see richie smelling the end of the stick, she chuckled at his actions. "w-what are you serious!?" eddie exclaimed. "doesn't smell like caca to me señor!" richie's terrible accents were enough to make the victoria howl with laughter.

"I can smell that from here!" victoria rolled her eyes at eddie. "it's probably just your breath wafting back into your face." richie and vi high fived as they began splashing stan and eddie, the pair giggling while stan was just rolling his eyes at them. "have you ever heard of a staph infection!" eddie was clearly annoyed with the the childish actions of the two. "oh I'll show you a staph infection." vi had a stitch from laughing too hard and held onto richie for support.

the playful vibe quickly lost as bill shouted them. "g-guys!" his voice echoed as the group turned to look at him. "oh shit don't tell me tha-" he shook his head. "g-georgie wore g-galoshes" richie and victoria walked up to him and looked at the sneaker. "who's sneaker is it?" eddie questioned, they all knew it was a sneaker from one of the missing people. victoria gasped as they read the name. "it's betty ripsom's sneaker." she said loud enough for the group to hear her. stan and eddie glanced at each other.

"what if she's still here?" the group fell into silence, nobody knew her personally but she was still someone they knew. eddie interrupted the silence. "my mom will kill me if she finds out we've been down here!" victoria had had enough. "eddie betty is missing! I'm pretty sure finding her is more important than your mom!" the boys behind her agreed.

"if I was betty I'd want you all to find me!" victoria shouted. "maybe I don't want too." the boys glanced at stan to see if he agreed. "summer is supposed to be fun! this isn't fun!" richie was about to open his moth but was interrupted by a loud splash. the group looked out of the pipe to see ben. "holy shit! what happened to you?"

DANGEROUS LOVE ▷ RICHIE TOZIER [✓]Where stories live. Discover now