The Fall

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I stand infront of the door, its jagged wood splintered and pointed. I enfold my hand around the bleak, scratched handle and open it slowly. the door is heavy, it glitches and jams leaving a opening. i manage to squeeze myself through the gap and enter the room. the room is full of darkness, perishing wooden beams iced in cobwebs. a blanket of dust covers the room, wrapping it in dirt. it clogges up my nostrils; i splutter out a cough and fill my lungs with the stale air.

I look up at the windows, each glass pain covered in a layer of thick mould, barely letting in any light, dimming the room. It was as if the whole room was going to disintergrate in on itself like cardboard in the rain- one wall collapsing in on itself at a time.

I notice a bulb in a corner of the room. underneath it a ladder. i make my way over to the corner, prepared to climb. The ladder is like a stairway of perishing wood, i place a hand on the fragile wood to test its safety. Sceptical about the ladder i begin to climb. the silence of the room eats at my sanity, my body aches as i climb. My breath breaking the silence with every pant. 

I hear a crack, its ghastly snap shattering my thoughts. I try to balance, but lose the grip of the ladder. I fall, hitting my head against the wall and trapping my body in the segments of the ladder. The splintered wood piercing my skin like thousands of needles each pricking me one by one. I hit the floor, my body limp, lifeless. My pale face bruised, the wounds stinging and dripping with crimson. My body damaged and broken. my eyes dry and colourless, drained from any life that once existed there. i try to make a noise, my cracked mouth dry and injured. i cant make a sound, but as my blushing lips part, a single tear of scarlet leaves the corner of my mouth - travelling down my cheek and leaving behind a trail of devistation.

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⏰ Last updated: May 31, 2012 ⏰

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