Chapter 22: You Only Came for The Food, Didn't you?

Start from the beginning

"Shhh, darling. I'll get her to stop, it's okay. Don't worry your pretty little head anymore about this, just enjoy our vacation. Take a seat I'll write her a letter back. Do you want me to snap up some tea for your nerves? Anything?"

"It's okay. I'll just take a seat here." I laid back on the couch and closed my eyes, waiting for sleep to overtake me(which I practically got none of last night, thank you loud cars).

"Alec, Alec. Wake up." My eyes fluttered open and adjusted to the light. I had no idea how long I had been out but when I woke up the sun was already high in the sky. "Come. The portal's up."

"Did you get Izzy to stop?"

"Yes, darling, she should bother you about it anymore. I told her you were about to have a mental breakdown and threatened to make her fat. Trust me, if I know Isabelle she'll stop."

I got up and smoothed my hair down before I walked through the portal, not even bothering to ask where I'm going to end up because by now I learned that I'm not going to get an answer. I ended up on the top of a hill looking over a vineyard. Well that really narrows down where we are. Then it crashed down on me. literally. Magnus had fallen on top of me, our faces inches apart. "This is why I hate traveling by portal sometimes," I said, still underneath him.

"Really? It's kind of comfortable." He started to snuggle up to me.

"Seriously Magnus, can you get off of me." He made a groan of frustration, but still got off. "Thank you. Now where are we?"

"Italy. And must I say the food here is great, even better than the food we had in Paris."

"You Only Came for The Food, Didn't you?"

"Maybe, but that doesn't change anything. It's still a great place for a vacation. And for what we're going to do today, first we need to get to the hotel from here, then we'll go sightseeing, and the wrap up the day we'll go eat at this restaurant I know of. As for tomorrow we'll come to this hill here and have a picnic."

"Sound great, and you know the location of hotel this time right?" I said just to push his buttons.

"Jace is really rubbing off on you, but yes, thankfully I do know where it is this time." We walked down the hill to a street with street vendors on the sides, many buildings, and people. We turned a few corners until we reached the hotel, which was pretty close to where we were. Once we got there Magnus went to go get our key cards, so we could go up to our room to rest for a bit before we go out. This hotel was a lot more modern looking than the others. The one in Paris was very elegant, the one in Egypt was very beautiful, but this one was just as great but with more modern aspects. The whole place had hard wood floor with white and black walls. The living room had brown leather furniture with a wall made out of bricks, giving it that vintage look. Other than that it kept up the modern look with a flat screen tv, glass coffee table, and the pieces of art that were hung up on the wall. The bedroom had a similar look, but with the king sized bed in the middle and the light oak furniture. "Leave your stuff here and change into the nicest thing you own, we're going to be gone for a while." Magnus called out to me. I threw my bag on the bed and left to the living room so we could leave. "Where to first? Or do you want to keep it a 'surprise'," I teased.

"Actually, I'm not. We're going to Tower of Pisa first then we'll see where we end up." He smiled at me and grabbed my hand.


Magnus and I had spent the entire day just roaming Italy, and by the end of the day my feet were killing me and I was starving. Magnus had told me that he planned on taking us out to go eat at the end of the day, and we were making our way to said restaurant. We roamed the streets looking for it, now the street vendor food seems over appetizing. "Finally, we're here, sweety." He must've know that a new pet name would've made me blush.

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