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22: Split

Katniss POV

I wait for my allies to take out their weapons and kill themselves. I don't want to see this, I don't want them to have to die for me- but if it means that I get to leave the arena alive and go back to District Twelve and help the rebellion, it's a sacrifice that has to be made. They're willing to make it. I'm not forcing them to do anything they don't want, I try to reassure myself.

But none of them move. For a moment I am relieved, but then fear sets in. What if I was wrong and they aren't trying to save me? What if these Games will just end like most of the others do, with a fight to the death between the last few tributes standing? Would I be able to defeat Finnick and Johanna and Haymitch?

"I guess we have to split up now," says Beetee finally. "We can't stay allies when we are the only tributes left. I want Johanna."

"Take her," Finnick responds. "And I'll have Katniss and Haymitch. Our alliance will win, Beetee's weak and we'll have one more person than you."

"Beetee's intelligent, unlike all of you," Johanna retorts. "Strength can't always win the Games." She yanks her axe out of the sand from where she had been holding it as the cornucopia spun. "Get your wire and take some of the weapons," she orders Beetee. "Can you use any of them?"

Beetee picks up a sword from Enobaria's body. "Any weapon is better than no weapon, although electricity is my area of expertise, not barbaric killing."

Johanna glares at him. "Let's go."

She stalks off, Beetee following behind her with his coil of wire in one hand and the sword in the other. I'll have to watch out for them. Johanna doesn't scare me, but Beetee has a reputation of being one of the most intelligent men in Panem. Johanna's right that strength can't always save you.

It worrying that I was wrong about the plan though. Does this mean that it was all because of my skills with a bow and arrow and if it's me and Finnick left at the end, he'll just stick his trident in my neck and watch me bleed out without remorse? I thought so at the beginning, but now I'm not so sure. I hope not.

Don't trust him, I remind myself. This is the Hunger Games. He may be on my side, but that doesn't mean that he's willing to give up his life for me. I glance a the trident in his hands. When he swings it, it's like the weapon is an extension of his arm. He's dangerous. He never misses. He got eleven in training without having to rebel. He managed to win the Games when he was fourteen. Don't trust him.

"We need to stay here," Haymitch says. "Have you noticed that the mutts and weather always happen away from the cornucopia? They always do, that's why the careers stayed here. The only thing that has happened here so far is the spinning. We can wait the rest of them out."

And then attack each other until two are dead, I finish in my head. And both Finnick and Haymitch are stronger with close-ranged weapons than I am. But I can climb. I can get onto the cornucopia and rain arrows down on them from above. Gale will sponsor me, but he won't sponsor Haymitch.

"What did Johanna and Beetee take?" I ask.

"Beetee took his wire and a sword, Johanna her axe and our backpack."

Damn. That backpack had the spiel in it, now they won't need to come here for water. I think that this is the only water source in the arena; I haven't seen any ponds like there were in the seventy fourth. At least we have the cornucopia, so we won't need to worry about water.

Just a few more days- even hours- and they will be dead. Haymitch might even be willing to die for me, he was willing to volunteer for me after all. I glance over to Finnick, who is lying in the sun leaning on one of the rocks, his trident on his lap. He looks so comfortable in here. Maybe Haymitch and I could take him together.

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