Supernatural x Male!Reader Part 5!

Start from the beginning

"God, I hate reapers so much." 

Soon they saw Dean come out, with two cops dragging him out. He shook them off.

"We catch you around here again son, we'll put the fear of God in you, understand?"

"Yes sir, fear of god. Got it." 

As he walked over, a girl walked over to him. (M/n) felt a ping of jealousy. He was starting to grow feelings for the older Winchester, but he knew it would never happen. He saw that their departure wasn't a good one.

~Back at the motel~

"You sure your alright?"

"Yes, I'm fine, Dean." The demon sighed at the taller male who was making sure he was fine.

"Ok, just wanna make sure your alright."

Sam was sitting on one of the beds, "So Roy really believes."

"I don't think he has any idea what his wife's doing."

"Well, I found this." He handed his brother the little book. "It was hidden in their library, it's ancient. Written by a priest who went dark side. There's a binding spell in here for trapping a reaper." 

"Must be a hell of a spell."

"Yeah, you gotta build a black alter, some seriously dark stuff. Bones, human blood." (M/n) said.

"To cross a line like that, a preachers wife. Black magic."

"Desperate. Her husband was dying. She didn't have anything to save him. She was using the binding spell to keep the reaper away from Roy."

"Cheating death, literally."

"Yeah, but Roy's alive, so why is she still using the spell?" Dean asked.

(M/n) was a bit puzzled himself, he knew a lot, but not that.

"Right. To force the reaper to kill people she thinks are immortal." The youngest said(referring to Sammy as I believe he is the youngest).

"May god save us from half the people who think they're doing God's work."

"We have to break the spell, guys." Sam explained.

"Sue ann had a cross like this."

"So we find the cross or destroy the alter?" Sammy asked.

"Let's try both." The smaller male(referring to the reader, as the other two are tall as hell).

"Alright, and we gotta do it soon, he's healing Layla tonight."


They rolled up to the tent, with no lights on.

"That's Layla's car. She's already here."

Dean nodded sadly. (M/n) could see he cared deeply for the girl, and couldn't help but feel that familiar pang of jealousy come back.

"Dean..." Sam noticed it too,

"You know, if Roy picked Layla instead of me, she'd be here right now. And if she's not healed tonight...She's gonna die in a couple of months."

"What's happening to her is horrible, but what are you gonna do? Let someone else die to save her? You said it yourself Dean, you can't play God."

They sat in silence for a bit, then he got out of the car. Sam and (M/n) got out and followed as they went to the tent. Dean peeked inside and saw a small group of the faithful, including Layla and her mother. Roy was speaking.

"Where's Sue ann?" Dean whispered.

"House, maybe."

"Go find Sue Ann, I'll catch up."

"What are you-?"

Before Sam could finish his sentence, Dean yelled hey at the cops and was now being chased by them.

"Sam...what should I do?" The demon whispered to the younger Winchester.

"Follow, and look out for the reaper if you see him." He nodded and followed him into the house.

Both went  into the basement, looking through, finding a candlelit alter with parts of dead animals, blood, horns, etc. There was a photo in the middle of Dean in it, his face crossed out with what looked like blood.

"I gave your brother life and I can take it away." Sue Ann suddenly said, startling both boys, making them turn around and look at her.

Sam got angry and tipped over the table the alter was on and went after  her. She was already up the stairs, closed the hatches and secured it with a bean. Sam stretched to push against them and keeps trying.

"Sam, can't you see? The Lord chose me to reward the just and punish the wicked. And your brother is wicked and he deserves to die, just as Layla deserves to live. It is God's will."

"You crazy bitch, you'll pay for this!" The demon screamed.

"Good bye, both of you." She walked away.

(M/n) growled, pissed. His eyes turned all black, the first time Sam has seen them do that since he showed up, and punched the doors, breaking them in the process. He walked out, his eyes going back to normal.

"Sam, I can feel the reaper again." He said.

"Lets go get her."

Sue Ann was outside the tent, reciting Latin, holding the cross. (M/n) came up and grabbed the cross and handed it to Sam, who throw it on the ground, breaking the glass and ran to find his brother. She sank to her knees beside the blood.

"My god, what have you done!?"

The boys eyes turned back to their black color, "He's not your God."

The woman looked up at the boy and screamed. She then looks behind her, seeing the reaper. He smiled at her, she got up and tried to run away, but the reaper showed up next to her, placing his hand on her forehead. She fell on the ground, eyes glazed over, having a few convulsions before dying. The reaper then looked up at the boy, who's eyes were their normal color.

"What are your plans, (D/n)?"

"Stay with the Winchesters, and fight any of you that get in my way."

"That's not a good choice."

"Well you can bite me." The boy turned around and walked away to find the brothers.

The reaper laughed a bit, "That's the (D/n) I know."

(M/n) walked over to the car, that the boys were already in.


They got to the motel. (M/n) had walked out to have a little walk.

"Sam...we did the right thing, right?"

"Of course."

"Doesn't feel like it."

There was a knock at the door. Sam opened it and Layla was standing there.

~With (M/n)-chan~

The boy was in a park, looking out at a pond that was there.

"Don't worry Lucifer, I'll get you back. I promise."

Supernatural x Male!Reader Season 1Where stories live. Discover now