Part 11

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ivy realized she forgot her bag "shoot.."

zack was confused
His right ear went up and the left one down
"Whats wrong?"

"Oh. Um.. i forgot my bag" she said

She went inside and put her bag on and went back outside to zack

"...ivy?. Why is the bag on your head?.." he was very confused..

"O-Oh. Its. Some reasons!" She said panicly


A hour later

ivy was showing zack the school she goes too

"And thats the school"

ivys friends came

she started to talk with the notes again

"Oh guys this is zack!"

"he looks like you alot" bonnie a mentioned

"Oh cause hes my lost twin brother!"

He was confused about the notes

He waved at them "sup i'm zack"

"its Laika"

"i'm Glitch"


"i'm mingu"


he smiled abit
"Its nice to meet you all!"

"Trust me their great friends" ivy said

Part 12 will be coming soon

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