A new Visitor

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                                                 Duncan's P.O.V

              I sat by the pool in the doghouse, staring off into space. Then again, what else is new? I dipped my tail in the cool water, watching as it soaked into my fur. I should probably go eat something, I thought. Our owner always puts pork and chicken out for us, but it usually tastes cold and stale. I'd eat it if I have to, sure, but I'd rather go for something fresher. I took a sip of the water and got up. "Wow Duncan, you actually moved!" Barnaby said, laughing. 

"Haha. That is THE best joke ever," I said, walking towards the exit. 

"Yeesh. Don't have to be a party pooper," said Barnaby, his ears twitching. He paused. "You know I'm just kidding right? I can come with you if you w-" 

"No." I cut him off. "I like hunting alone," I growled. Yeah yeah, I know, a wolf who doesn't like hunting with his pack, but you know what? It would get on your nerves too if you had to be around the same boring wolves all the time. I don't need someone to always be glued to me, really.

"Alrighty. Just letting you know I'm always available," Barnaby winked. I groaned. Seriously? Alrighty?! Who even says that?! I thought. He probably got his happy-go-lucky attitude from our owner. Stampy. He...he's something. Now, don't get the idea I don't like him. He's my owner, of course, I love him! However, he's.. uh... quite a character. He's always so happy about everything. Even when his builds blow up, or he can't figure out how to do redstone, he is just so DARN HAPPY!! Why is it so easy for everybody to be happy when really, it's not the time. I like to save up my happiness, so when it's actually necessary, I can use it at the appropriate time. 

     I stepped out of the dog house, the bright blocky sun seeping over the various hills and builds Stampy has made over the years. While Stampy can be annoying sometimes, he really knows how to keep his town in shape. Stampy has built this giant town for him and his friends. It's quite amazing, how everything comes together. The sunlight poured over my fur and into my skin. It felt amazing. I shook off excess dirt from the day before and headed out to my usual hunting ground. I don't like to venture too far from the doghouse, but I'll usually go to the outskirts of town. It's very peaceful there, and a lot of chickens and pigs. I thought I'd stop by the fruit cart to get some watermelon (my favorite non-meat food) when I ran into someone who would change my life forever. 

                                                       Mittens' P.O.V

Ugg. What have I gotten myself into now? This always happens, every single time I try to do something to impress myself. I saw a chicken on top of a tree (heaven knows how it got up there) and I tried to catch it. Of course, I didn't think ahead and got myself stuck. I couldn't even get the chicken as well since it fluttered down as soon as I tried to reach it. It just sat down there, mocking me. "HA, you may be laughing now, but just you wait till I get down there!" I hissed. 

     I have traveled all the way from the Jungle to find where I actually belong. Yeah, I know, sounds cheesy, but it's true. I never felt happy in the jungle. It was so boring seeing the same trees, same vines, same EVERYTHING all the time. I decided to move out, and travel to wherever seemed to bring new possibilities and a place where I can really call home. And here I was, talking to a chicken. 

     The sun was peeking over the ocean, the stars still slightly visible. What am I going to do? The chicken bawked. "Oh shut up," I snarled. I curled up on the green leaves and decided to sleep. Maybe I'll come up with something after I sleep a bit...

                                                    Duncan's P.O.V

     I sat by the fruit cart, eating the leftover watermelon from the day before. While meat totally is the best choice, watermelon isn't too bad (for a fruit, anyway). I made sure to eat around the seeds when my ears twitched and heard a distant clucking noise. That's...odd. Usually, chickens avoid these areas. I guess this one is just stupid. I put away the watermelon and headed toward the sound. Might as well have some chicken while I'm at it, I thought. I sniffed the air. I was close. But then I smelled...something else. A cat? No, Stampy is still sleeping. I was confused, no one else smelled like this. I was trying to figure this out when the smell was stronger than ever. I looked around. But there's nothing here... I looked up. A small, sleek ocelot was sleeping in the trees, her chest rising and falling. 

     What the...but ocelots live in the jungle! Not here! I took a closer look. She was strangely beautiful, with her dark spots scatted around her fur like stars in the sky, and her cheeks bearing long whiskers that blew in the cold wind. "Hey, you!" I barked. "What are you doing here cat? This is OUR territory! Get out!" The ocelot opened her green eyes and looked at me. "Why aren't you in the jungle? You don't belong here!" The cat perked her head up. 

"Who told you to tell me where I belong?" she snapped back. I growled. 

"Even a squid knows that ocelots belong in the jungle! And that includes you!" She put her paw under her head. 

"Oh pity. What are you going to do about it? Climb up here and chew me up? Come on dog, I dare you." Why is she not MOVING?! 

"I would if I could, you little..." 

"Yeah yeah," she cut me off. "Heard it, been there. Hey, you mind getting me something to eat? I could really go for some fish or chicken or something." I laughed. 

"You actually expect ME helping YOU?" Her eyes felt like fire staring back at me. 

"Yes," she said coolly. "I'll give you something in return" I tilted my head. 

"What kind of something?" 

"Look, doggy, I've traveled across this land and back, I know the absolute best places to hunt. It's got lots of animals, shade, hiding places, and even a nice big lake where you can cool off and catch some fish." That did sound pretty great, but knowing how she was acting, I didn't trust her. 

"Nice try cat. Tell me it first, THEN, I'll get my owner to help you out." She stretched her paws. 

"Fine. It's..." She paused. Her ears twitched, she gasped and jumped into the leaves. 

"Wow. Thanks." I said angrily. I was about to tell her to stop playing around when I heard footsteps behind me...

Hello! I hope you enjoyed the first part of the story! I've been wanting to do something like this for a while, but I haven't actually written anything down until now. The next part will probably come out in a few days or so. This is my first story on here, but I've made a few other stuff on other websites. I wrote a Duncan and Mittens fanfiction on another website before, but it was really short and not that good, so I thought I'd re-write it. Anyways, I hope you like the rest of the story, bye! 

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