Same Mistakes (A Larry Stylinson Fanfic)

Start from the beginning

Harry strolled along my side, plopping down some conditioner, cleaning supplies and other necessities that we could possibly need. Still though, I kept silent. “Come on Lou, I literally helped with half.” Harry whined slightly. I heaved a deep sigh, finally allowing myself to meet his green eyes and nodded with an I forgive you before pulling up to the cashier in complete silence.  The woman by the counter obviously was a fan of us, seeing as she literally jumped up and down on where she stood, her heels clicking almost too eagerly against the floor tile.

She punched in our items with the same smile not leaving her face. Just when I thought she’d never ask, the very moment she’d scanned the last item, she basically dropped the bomb in a quick second. “Are you guys One Direction?” she asks modestly. “Actually we’re Harry and Louis.” Harry responds slyly, handing her the sleek blue credit card. I smiled; nudging him slightly, then quickly placed the items within the grocery bags. My eyes roamed over the eco-friendly bags and I insisted we used that instead.

The girl, Jenny smiled even brighter, handing me at least 3 to 4 bags worth, claiming that this one was on her with a flirty wink and a blunt request for a picture of both of us alongside her. Harry just smiled casually, giving my shoulder a quick squeeze that I should smile more naturally too and that’s what I did apparently because Jenny just smiled, giving us both a lovely squeeze and a kiss to the cheek. “I’ll always like you best.” She murmured silently against my ear which brought a smile to my face. “Thank you.” I murmured with a smile as we headed for the entrance.

What surprised me though, is that the moment we stepped even an inch closer to the doors, the door sliding doors seemed to have not been working. Before I can rant about how much of an inconvenience it was, some policemen approached us silently. “Hello lads.” The man said. “Sorry about the little door problem there.” he says. “We were given direct orders to keep you on here till your escort arrives.” Both me and Harry nodded understandingly as we literally hauled ourselves along the rooftop to see what the little problem way. “KYYYAAAAAAHHH!!!! IT’S THEM! IT’S HARRY AND LOUIS” one screams high above the others and suddenly the ground felt like it shook a few too-many times before our ears popped at least a billion times the moment we got back inside.

@Louis_Tomlinson: At Tesco. I see you guys ;)

@Harry_Styles: With @Louis_Tomlinson at Tesco, such a beautiful view outside ;) .x

“THAT WAS INSANE!!” I found myself bellowing at Harry. “WHAT!?!?” he asks in an even louder tone. “I said that was insane.” I murmured silently, feeling my hearing get back to normal. “Yeah.” Harry agreed with a wide smile, dimples present. “So, now you may explain now Curly, we have some time before our escorts to the prom sweeps us up off our feet.” “Okay.” He sighed. “It was Emily, you know, I just had to—“my cell rang and I gave Harry a look saying that we’ll discuss that later, then headed for the washroom with a relieved sigh, hearing my girlfriend’s voice ringing softly against my ear. “Babe, you’re late.” She says with a chuckle. I sighed. “I know, I know love and I’m sorry I—“

 “Lemme guess,” she hums.

“You’re stuck with Harry on Tesco aren’t you?” I gasped, feigning innocence.

 “How did you know?!” her high-shrilled laugh echoed towards my ear and I couldn’t help but smile slightly. “Really am sorry lovely, couldn’t do a thing about it.” Even without a response, I can instantly feel her smile on the other side of the line. “Alright baby, just come back to Manchester when you can, alright?” I nodded. “You know it.” And that was the end of that.

“Finished talking to Ellllyyy?” Harry voices towards my earlobe giving me a slight shiver. “Wouldn’t you like to know.” I winked, pushing him away from me as I made my way towards the fire exit. “Paul says he’ll pick us up here.” Harry nodded with a smile. Then, as if on cue, the door bursts open with Paul quietly ushering us towards the exit. “Go, go, go.” He orders authoritatively.  Harry came along behind me, noticing the girls already approaching us; the mob quickly accumulating. The whole transfer felt like a blur as I remember being outside then within the car in seconds. There was the part where Harry pushed me in just to prevent some fan from clawing at me and suddenly realization hit me like a fast-moving bus.

“Where the hell is Harry?!” I demanded, then all of a sudden, a hand reached out to me, which looked too large to be a girl’s hand and I quickly tugged it in quickly, sliding the doors also into a close. “Man,” Harry hisses, his shirt partly torn. “that was definitely painful.” He murmured proudly. “Are you okay Haz?” I asked worriedly and he nodded airily, wincing as he sat on his seat.

The van quickly made a haste and I found myself tending Harry’s wound with some of the cotton swabs he snagged in earlier.  “Sorry, it’s all my fault Harry; You got hurt because of me.” I frowned, as he eased back on his seat, shaking his head disagreeing. “Naa,” he murmurs softly. “wouldn’t want to get your pretty face hurt.” He jokes with a wink. I rolled my eyes. “But Ha—“ “We speak no more of this Louis,” he says. “plus, I like it better when my best mate is smiling.” I heaved a deep sigh, plastering myself with an ear-splitting grin, seeing Harry pull his phone at the last second, tweeting.

@Harry_Styles: Looks like I have some competition.x

with the recent picture of me as an attached image. Boy are we going to be in trouble.


OMG! EPICNESS! My first Larry Stylinson fanfic. -trolls around the house- Anyways, guys, please tell me what you think of the chapter. THANKS~

Oh, and forgot to mention, I can't really decide on a chapter cover, so please send them to me, and the best one will be enetered in as the new cover, and the new chapter will be dedicated to that person.

Cover has to include

-Some relevant picture to Larry Stylinson

-The Title

-The author

and GO WILD!


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