~The Last Word..

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On a day so dark and bitterly cold,
I just patiently wait as I grow old.
To sing is to speak in a voice no ear has ever heard.
I wear my emotions and my actions turn into words.
To believe you live life just waiting to die.
Throw a rose on the casket, kneel down and cry.
You give a final kiss, and a touch of the hand.
Even though you know, it's hard to understand.
We're here today and tomorrow we're gone.
Laying on your back in the church as they sing your final song. Your last ride in that black hearse seems so long.
They lower you deep into the cold, hard ground.
Cries and screams are the only sound.
Their hearts are aching and breaking into.
They had not a single idea, nobody realized the things you were going through.
Spread your wings, like the feathers of a bird.
Though I can never say enough...
These are my last words...

-Brandon Mitchell

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