Staying Away Ch. 9

Start from the beginning

I walked away at this point, I hadn't noticed the amount of activity in the parking lot. That was when I noticed Declan. I smiled and waved and started walking in his direction. He gave me a death glare and ran off.

What was up with that?

Declan's POV

I had pulled into the lot with Seán.

"Man keep your eyes on the road, don't want to get yourself into another accident Deag."

"Very funny bro."

I pulled into a parking spot and got out of the car.


Taylor was standing in front of the spot, waiting for me to get out of the car.

"I guess I should leave you two alone...?"

"Do you have to?"

Seán laughed and got out of the car and bolted for the school. Awesome. Little bugger left me alone. I got out of the car and Taylor walked towards me.

"Heyyy Deck!" She didn't even know my name.

"Hello, Taylor." I had to be nice, that was the kind of guy I was. I started to walk away from her and looked around the parking lot for Ace. I didn't see her.

"Wait, Deck hold up. There's something I want to tell you."Awesome.. I can't avoid this girl. "I know this might be hard for you to hear, but you're not the only guy in Becca's life. She has an ongoing relationship with someone else."

"What do you mean by that, Taylor?"

"Look." She pointed at something in the distance. All of a sudden I saw Ace's car, then I saw her. Some guy was embracing her. All of a sudden they kissed. Kissed? I had just kissed her last night and now she was off kissing someone else? I turned around towards Taylor. I was fuming with anger.

"What was that all about?"

"I know this will break your heart, but he's her 'significant other.' They've been off and on dating forever. Shouldn't have gotten yourself too involved. But I'll be here if you need me." Taylor winked, and walked off. I turned around to find Ace again. I saw her walking towards me, smiling and waving. Smiling??? Waving???? She just kissed another guy! By the looks of him, he looked like a douche. I couldn't bare to talk to her so I ran off. I had to get to class anyway, or that was what I was telling myself.

Bex's POV

I walked to class confused. Why had Declan just walked off like that? That wasn't very nice of him. And why was Taylor talking to him. I saw Lucy walking towards me, maybe she could make some sense of this.

"So what was with that public scene in the parking lot Bex? I thought you told me you were over Dan."

"Wait... people saw that? Shoot!! That means Declan must've seen it! Oh no I didn't mean for that to happen! Dan came up to me and tried to take advantage of me, again! I punched him good, did no one see that?"

"No Becca, everyone just saw you kiss him. It did look pretty incriminating."

Crap. Crap. Crap. Crap. Crap. Crap. This isn't good.

"Lucy I SWEAR to you I didn't want to kiss him. He made me! I don't want anything from him and you know that. Believe me! I know you believe me!" Just then Sarah walked into the room.

"I saw you punch Dan after he kissed you, nice work. Intervention worked, then."

YES!!! I had a witness who saw!

"Becca, I'm SO sorry I didn't believe you! I just assumed the worse."

"Yeahh Woocy, that kind of hurt me that you didn't believe me. But how am I supposed to explain that to Declan? He saw that!"

Sarah and Lucy were shocked. So I guess that meant they had no plan.

I was still trying to figure out what I was going to say to him as Sarah, Matt and I walked to Lunch. Just then, I saw him walking from a class.

"Declan, wait up!"

He walked faster. "DECLAN!!"

He turned around and I ran into him. He looked pissed.

"What the hell was up with some mate kissing you this morning! You think I'm going to pretend like it didn't happen!"

"Declan, that meant nothing. It was this old boyfriend I had, but I broke up with him ages ago. He forced me to kiss him! I punched him afterward, didn't you see that?? I promise you, last night, it was so special to me. It was the happiest I've been in... forever. Kissing you felt like I had never kissed anyone before."

"Well that doesn't seem like it to me. Run off to your other boy toy, you whore."

Did he just call me a whore?

Who knew....

Your Alternative Girl,


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