Bad Memories, Good Endings

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Bad Memories, Good Endings

I sometimes feel like breaking down

Whenever bad things are around.

But I have to keep it under control

Especially if there’s no one who’d console.

I’d often occupy myself with happy thoughts

Knowing that life would lead me to different roads.

They may vary according to my actions

Like looks differ whenever a person does liposuction.

People may see me bubbly all the time

Without knowing that I’m also hurt under that façade.

I mask my emotions well

Like an innocent child who’d promised to never tell.

On the other hand, life just gives me a reason to live

Not to waste time on things that I’d grieve.

With bad memories come strong will and perseverance

To live life better and give its beauty a long glance.

Life may have its twists and turns

That you wouldn’t be expecting getting burns.

“But that’s how life is “,As I say lazily.

Nonetheless, it doesn’t give you a reason to give up easily.



This poem for me started up the feelings that I've stored for quite a long time now. The feelings I get when creating my own compositions. This poem talks about my difficult experiences and my horrible predicaments. When I was making this, I felt ike a weight was slowly lifted off my shoulders. I felt like I was revived back into life and that I could rebuild my former foundations of hope and faith. This poem is not only for me but for those who feel the same way, too. Sometimes, we feel like we're all alone but the truth is- we're not. We have family and friends who'd always be there for us.

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