Part 1

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Back then, things were different. We were always close, practically inseparable from each other. We always talked about fighting side by side to protect Remnant. Its funny how things turn out after all these years.

Flashback, Childhood (Age 9)

Lucius: Ow!

A small girl with glowing white hair was shoved to the ground by a bully that was a couple years older than her.

Bully: heh, come on little miss "hero". If you're really that brave then go find your sister!

At the time Lucius's sister, Elara, suddenly disappeared one day when she was playing outside. So far its been a month since her disappearance and nobody has heard anything regarding her whereabouts. Lucius would always try to sneak out to find her but their parents would stop her. It was unusually up to me to lift Lucius's spirits.

Lucius: Why don't you just leave me alone?!

The bully grinned sadistically before pulling on her white hair.

Bully: And what if I don't? You gonna put a stop to me?

The young girl struggled to break from from his hold but it was useless as he aggressively tugged her hair.

Lucius: Argh! Stop!

The bully laughed as she continued to torture the young girl until he felt a sudden fist connect with his face. He immediately let go and staggered backwards from the attack.

Bully: What the-

He was interrupted by another lunch to his face.

(Y/N): Why don't you pick on someone your size!

Bully: Shut it, (Y/N)!

The bully threw a punch at you but you easily dodged and used your foot to make him trip and fall to the ground.

Once he fell to the ground, you grabbed Lucius by the hand and the both of you ran away from the bully.

After a few minutes of running, the both of you arrived at the same spot where the two of you would meet. It was located behind her house although there was tree large enough that the two of you would stand behind to talk about being heroes. Sometimes her sisters would join but they end up leaving for their own interests.

(Y/N): Hah! We made it!

Lucius remained quiet as she began to shed a few tears.

Lucius: (Y/N)... Do you think we'd find Elara...

(Y/N): What are talking about? Of course you will! There's nothing that can stop you if you really go for it!

She looked up at you to find you giving her a bright smile. Her bright blue eyes beginning to show happiness from your support.

(Y/N): Come on, Luci! We need you to be strong! For Elara and the both of us!

She wiped the tears before standing up and wrapped her arms around you.

Lucius: You're right... Thank you (Y/N)...

You smiled before returning the hug until she suddenly disappeared. You were confused until the world itself turned into a dark void, leaving you in the only piece of light that illuminated you and the tree next to you.

Your nine year old self didn't seem to care since it was only a memory. You took a look at the tree to find an engraving. The engraving read "L + (First Initial)"

She was taken away that same day from officials since her parents have died in a mission. Nobody wanted to take them in so they were eventually separated and lived in different orphanages. I made a promise that if we would meet, I would never leave her side no matter what. At this point, I don't even know if I'm still following because of a promise or perhaps it may be out of love.

End Of Days: Lucius (RWBY OC) X Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now