Snape x Remus ~ A Little Push

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A/N: thanks again InstagramGirl3 for introducing me to a ship I had never heard of before and may not even like, but you know me. I'm going to have fun writing it ether way.

It's a bit obvious, but Remus and Snape don't die during the war.


The castle.... after the war it was certainly a mess, but through lots of magical repairs, it was brought back to its original glory.

The headmaster position was taken by Minerva Mcgonagall after Snape had stepped down, worried that students would hold disdain towards him. He still taught, however, but settled back nicely as a potions teacher, deciding it was best to not get greedy. After everything that happened...

Remus Lupin came back to be DADA teacher. Apparently, after his wife died, someone put in a good word for him and got him a job.

It may or may not have been a certain trio who felt like Remus needed some time at the school.

Things were, relatively peaceful, and like that, a couple of years went by.

"Ah, Snape, how are things?" Remus hummed as he grabbed a book from a nearby bookcase.

"Coming to steal my potions books again I see?" Snape raised a brow.

"You know better than anyone why I need it, Severus." Remus sighed as he grabbed the book.

"I see you finally stopped calling me by the childish nickname." Snape commented casually.

Remus glanced over with a raised brow, "Severus, we're not children anymore. I never liked saying it anyways." He sighed.

"That so, you never seemed to shy away from calling me Snivilus." Snape said bitterly. Remus rolled his eyes.

"Severus," he begun, "I only did that since at the time, I like Sirius, and I only did it to impress him. Didn't do anything for me in the end though. I do regret calling you by it, Lily thought of it fondly after all and we kinda pushed you two apart."

"At least you admit it," Severus muttered, "wait, you liked Sirius Black?"

"Severus, you do remember how attractive Sirius was when he was full of life, right? I mean when he was young." Remus raised a brow, tucking the book he had under his arms.

"I don't agree, but it seemed the girls at the school back then would." Snape shrugged.

"Right. Well, anyways, it was a foolish love anyways. While James at least matured, Sirius refused to stop acting foolish, even after he escaped Azkaban, he wasn't careful." Remus sighed.

"Well, at least you weren't blind to it." Snape quipped.

Remus shrugged himself, "well, after that love died along with him, Tonks was there, she was sweet, then when I heard she was pregnant, I felt so guilty."

"What," Snape started, "aren't you happy about your son?" He asked.

"I am! Overjoyed, he looks just like his mother, but every time I look at him, I'm reminded that he's cursed. He's part werewolf, and I could never wish that on anyone, yet he's cursed. Of course Harry says it's not that bad, even talked some sense into me, but that feeling of guilt still resides there." Remus admitted.

Snape looked at him, seeing him in an entirely new light. The amount of shit he threw at Remus as revenge seemed childish, seeing how much Remus had suffered.

"I have to go brew up a potion and grade some papers. See you around Severus." Remus glanced up towards the ceiling, then headed out.

"Snape! It's been awhile!" The long haired teacher glanced up from his work, seeing an all to familiar couple, and a blue haired toddler.

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