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Emma was on Instagram and found Toms profile and started to follow it. A few minutes later *bling*. She looked at her phone and boom he followed her back.
She started to text him about yesterday sine he wasn't at school.
Emma: Hey sorry about yesterday
Tom: about what
Emma: my friends going all crazy because I told them I liked you
Tom: oh it's fine and I'm sorry also
Emma: for what
Emma: what are you sorry for
Emma: yes I have a question
Tom: sorry I was playing bo2
Emma gets out of instagram because the idiot she likes puts his freaking god damn phone number on his profile. Who does that??
Now on her messages on her phone
E(cause I don't want to write the names over and over): yes hello
T: who is this
E: u didn't answer insta and I got dared to try the #
T: ok
E: so what are u sorry about
T:hld on
T:oh I accidentally put that 😂😂
E: oh ok
T: who dared u
E: someone it was on insta
T: pls tell me
E: just a min
T: k
E: Mala why
T: jw
E: k? Ig
E: hey I have a question
T: what
E: send pic of another conversation from Mala
E: well actually someone else but I am the messenger for some reason
T: ?
E: Mala wants to know if u like me
E: sorry about all of this
T: idk
E: I'm sorry for all of this
T:ur fine
E: oh Ally is the random person texting you jsuk
T: ik
E: k

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