I take it and hold it. "Thank you."

"More more thing," he says, handing me a notebook and pretty pen. "Figured you might want this."

"I appreeaite it, thank you." I say, before heading up the stairs again. But then I stop, turn to face him and say, "Tyler?"

"Yes, Kingston?"

"Thank you, and I know it sounds weird, but thank you, for, ya know, not hitting me."

Before he can say another word, I bolt to my room.


I plop on my new bed and into the pillows, sighing. I look aound my room. My room. This, felt like a home. My ass was still a little sore, and I was still in shock. Not that he spanked me. But because he hugged me after the fact.

Well, I was also shocked me spanked me. Was I gonna follow the rules? Sure. But I cannot let him see he was won this battle so quick. It took him 6 years to get me into his house-his beautiful, big house.

Rubbing my ass I decide I wanted to shower, so I got up, picked up a pink silk nighty I picked out today, and went into the bathroom conected to my room. I strip off my clothes and exam my ass. It was still lightly red but nothing major. After all, he did it with my jeans on. I turn the water on hot and jump in, taking my sweet ass time. By the time I was finished, it had darkened. I get out and brush my hair with a paddled brush he bought me and slip on the nighty. Then I go back into the bedroom and flop back onto the bed and scroll through my phone. Cause it was a flipphone I couldn't do shit on it execpt take shitty pictures. No internet, nothing. Well, I mean I could get on the internet but it would raise the phone bill. But he is rich, so who cares? I think to myself as I click Internet.

It takes a while but I am finally able to search up Youtube and play some music. It sounds like shit but it was something to do. This huge house and I was bored! A second later, Tyler comes into my room.

"Kingston, get off the internet, please." He says crossing his arms. I sit up. "What? Why?" I ask him whineing. "Because you have not earned that privlage yet. Now, get off, or I will turn it off. And you will earn a trip over my knees." He says stern.

I huff and test him. Surely I wouldn't be spanked for something like that? "No." I state simply. He raises an eye brow. "Mhm?" "I said, No. Now, get out of my room." I say again, pointing to my bedroom door.

"Kingston I am giving you last warning. If you do not get off the internet right now, you will be going to bed with a burning bottom, do you understand me?"

"Oh-I understand. But I don't care."

Tyler's cheeks flush red. He closes my door, marches to my bathroom and pickes up the wooden paddled brush. He cames toward me holding the brush and holds out his hand. "Phone, now."

I sit up and put my back to the wall. "Wha-what you gonna do with the brush?" I ask shaking.

"I warned you, Kingston. You will be getting spanked with the brush now if you do not gimme the phone right now it was be bare butted." He state unfazed. I, on the other hand, am fazed, and very frightened. I toss him the phone and he takes it and puts it on the bedside table.

He then sits down and takes my arm gently, pulling me over his knees, lifting up my nighty. "Gimme your hand."

With out fighting, I give him my hand. He takes it and holds it tight. Then with out warning, he begins the spanking and I instanly start to kick and wiggle.

Smack. Smack. Smack. Smack. Smack. Smack. Smack. Smack Smack Smack Smack Smack Smack Smack. Smack. Smack.Smack. Smack. Smack. Smack.Smack.Smack.Smack.Smack.Smack. Smack. Smack. Smack. Smack. Smack. Smack. Smack Smack Smack Smack Smack Smack Smack. Smack. Smack.Smack. Smack. Smack. Smack.Smack.Smack.Smack.Smack.

"Why are you SMACK getting this SMACK spanking?" SMACK SMACK SMACK.

He asks me, landing the spanks on verious parts of my ass. Too embarressed to speak, I don't answer.


"Be-cause-I-wasnt OWE listenin-owing-ing-owww!!"


"I-damn-smarted-owe jeez!-off! Ugh owe!!" I wiggle. He aims two spots on my thighs. My eyes began to water but I didn't dare cry, even though I wanted too. He lifts me up, my nighty falling down. "Stand right here." He says, walking to my bathroom. He comes back holding a bar of soap.

"Open." He states.

"Wh-why?" I sniffle. "Because you cursed you will leave this soap in your mouth for three minuites while standing in that corner."

He says stern. "Gross! No-please don't make me!" "You can either willingly do it, or you will be across my knees again, this time bare, then even more time with the soap, do you want that?" I shake my head and open my mouth a little.

He shoved it into my mouth and sends me to the corner. "And don't you dare spit it out. Hands over you head." He says before leaving me in the room to sniffle and gag. I wanted to get this punishment over with so I could just sleep. After 3 minuites, he finially comes back.

"Come here." He says standing in the door way. I come to him, soap still in mouth. He takes it out and hugs me. "You do know why I had to punish you right?" He asks. I nod ashamed. "Yes sir." "Good. Now," he kisses me on the forehead. "Get some sleep, you have a busy day tommorow."

I wipe my eyes and watch him leave before I quickly brush my teeth and lie in bed and sniffle myself to sleep, my ass reminding me not to sneak on the internet. 

Kingston (a disciplinary story)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon