While the bartender halted at the toilet and undid his jeans to do his business, Jongup couldn't help but sneak a peek. With an appearance like that, Jongup wasn't surprised at what he saw. In fact, he was pleased. "Like what you see?" The bartender asked, startling the drunken Jongup, who looked away and blushed in embarrassment for being caught. The other man chuckled lightly and a zipping sound could be heard after a couple of seconds, flushing the toilet. The bartender walked over to the sinks, walking pass Jongup, and began washing his hands.

"Are you single?" Jongup blurted out. It wouldn't be the first time where he'd have a one night stand only to have their significant other showing up at either his work, university or even his apartment, wanting to fight him.

"Why?" Asked the bartender, turning off the tap and in one swift move, he was standing in front of Jongup. Their faces were only a couple inches apart and Jongup's breath hitched at the sudden movement. The smell of the other's cologne turned Jongup on a little bit. He stared at the complete stranger and felt hot under the other's stare. "I mean, no, it's just a weird question for someone who is practically eye fuckin me to ask, don't you think?"

"Don't like causing drama," Jongup said, moving closer to the man and putting his lips next his ear. "You should tell me your name," he whispered seductively. He pulled back a little bit and a small grin tugged at his lips when he saw the excited spark in the other's eyes.

The bartender stared at Jongup with dark, hooded eyes and said in a hot accent, "Daehyun." He then grabbed hold of Jongup's hips and pinned the younger to the counter, startling Jongup until he cupped the silver haired man's face in his hands. "Seeing its your birthday I wanna know h-"

All of a sudden the washroom door was slammed opened and startled both men. Daehyun sighed in frustration and dropped his head, his eyes closed as he tried to control his temper. Meanwhile Jongup looked and saw a man with a roundish face and small, plumped lips rolling his eyes while standing in the door way. "You had one job!" The other bartender snapped. "One, and yet you're in here trying to fuck a costumer."

Daehyun pushed himself away and turned on to the left on his heels to face his coworker. "Not even!" He shouted lightly. Jongup continued to lean against the washroom sinks, feeling awakward while the other bartender stared at Daehyun with dark eyes. Daehyun sighed and said as be started walking towards the exit, "Let's hurry this up. Guk's getting impatient." He pass the other bartender and opened the door.

"Can't say that I blame him," muttered the other bartender and turned around to follow the other. He glanced at Jongup, who looked away in embarrassment, and shook his head lightly before leaving.

It was then quiet and Jongup chuckled lightly, biting his lip at the action he almost received minutes ago. He'd be lying if he said he was glad that it didn't happen. He leaned off the counter and started heading towards the exit. He felt like he needed fresh air, which is why he hurried out the washroom with his head down low, not wanting to meet eye contact with the bartender, Daehyun.

Once Jongup was outside, the tipsy twenty-three year old walked a little ways down the block. He hoped none of his friends back inside saw him walk out because he wanted to be alone for a moment. He needed to take a moment to pull himself again.

After leaning against a wall of another building, Jongup let his head hang and let out a heavy sigh. His life hasn't been so great the last couple of months. He lost a good friend of his in a car accident and not to mention, he just got out of a long term relationship a couple weeks ago. He walked into his, now, ex boyfriend cheating on him. He was hurt but wasn't surprised. He had a suspicious feeling but never wanted to believe it.

Just then Jongup was pulled out of his thoughts when a deep voice said, "Hey." He looked up and saw a slim man with black skinny jeans, an oversized, white shirt along with a silver chain around his neck approaching him. He was hot in Jongup's opinion but the man was also intimidating. Jongup then spun around when he felt a tap on his shoulder.

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