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I walked to the stage. It was very quiet as all eyes were on me, dee was still keeping her cheeky smile when she new her mouth wanted to drop. When I walked I up to the stage they placed a very bedazzled sparkly crown on my head low-key similar to roscoes, he scoffed in the out and I chuckled a bit.
Dee was adjusting her tiara which was bothering her so I picked if from head as her short self started to jump trying to take it back, I laughed at her silly ness, kissed the crown and placed it back on her head as she blushed ever so slightly.
"Ladies and gentle men... welcome your prom king and queen 2017!!" Kylie had shouted into the mic. Everyone in the room applauded as we were escorted off the stage to begin our slow dance. The music started of playing silent then louder. One of Dee's friends had flipped their phone on us during her live I can already see the fans going crazy.
Dee was very stiff and uncomfortable as if she didn't want this dance, "relax babygirl," I whispered in her ear and gently placed her head into my chest were she finally loosened up and wrap her arms around my neck as I wrapped my arms around her waist and kissed her head. The dance lasted for a couple minutes as other couples around us had started dancing to .
When we finished dancing I took her hand as we sat in the back of the gymnasium where no one was but us. She was looking down at her wrist where slight goosebumps layed. I gently grasped her hands with one hand and put my other one her chin where she slowly looked up at me. "It's okay," I assured her with a slight nod she nodded back looking at my eyes. We stayed like that for a couple seconds, god that girl is beautiful when I decided to lean in. Before I could greet her one of her friends I think Aubrey had greeted us first. "Ou ou lemme get some pictures!" She squealed jumping up and down happy for dee, "fine whatever she said standing up.
Before she could level herself I picked her up bridal style as she yelped in surprise. "Nov put me down!" She screamed hitting me in my chest, "if you don't shut yo fine ass up!" I yelled back and slapped her butt to shut her up and keep her from making a seen as I adjusted our position and her friends took pics. I soon placed her on the ground still holding her hand as she put on a fake pout with her arms crossed.
"Stop it," I told her.
She looked up at me, her arms crossed but just looked at me with her beautiful brown eyes. We gave each other a starring contest we lasted for about 45 seconds when, "gahhh," dee sighed at she sat down straightening her dress. I laughed at her as obnoxiously as she did me before the raffle as she flicked me off. I through a sour patch from the snack table at her being careful not to hit her dress. I'm not tryna die tonight.
"JULIO!" She screamed at me as she checked her hair for the sour patch. She picked up a Pringle and through it at my eye when she tried to get up and run away. I got up after her grabbing her waist which made her laugh, I laughed as well as we ended up back where we were. I sighed and recapped everything that happened in my head with my eyes closed for a second almost dazing off into a daydream. "Come on," dee shook me lightly as I noticed people leaving the high school.
"How long was I day d-"
"5 minutes, I already said bye to my friends and new ones, long story short your taking me home," she said with a smile and dug in my pocket, took my car keys and kissed my cheek. "I'll be waiting," she said with a smile and with that she sashayed away. What did I get myself into? I sighed for the 100th time got up and moved my way through all the party goers and merged myself to my car, which the head lights were already on. When I got in dee was listening to...some kind of beat with her lyric book out writing. "Whatcha doing?" I asked she placed the book back in her clutch and muttered nothing as she turned the radio on and up.
I'll let that slide.
As we were on the way to her house I heard her grumble, I took her hand and asked what's wrong again as she placed her other hand on the window, playing with a raindrop outside. "I'm hungry," she said with a pout. I switched directions to a nearby McDonald's as she grew a smile. "Shouldn't have been eating all that damn candy." She scoffed and punched my shoulder. I quickly turned directions back into the busy street "NO NO IM SORRY!" she shouted. I laughed and pulled the car more into the street even more. "WHAT DO I HAVE TO DO, ILL DO ANYTHING!" Anything. I can see her regretting her statement as I smirked and she facepalmed.
"Kiss me." "NOVA WHA-" I pulled the car more into the street this time turning on the turning signals ignoring the honks from behind and in front of me. "OKAY OKAY."
She quickly leaned over and pecked my lips. Just liked pineapples. "Now go before u get stopped cause people think we taking a joyride," I smirked and pulled into the drive-thru and asked her what she wanted. "Can I get... a McDouble, Big Mac, 10 piece chicken nugget and a pineapple milkshake?" She asked with the cutest smile, "I don't know can you kiss me agai-" "you know what."
She said as she took the wheel, "okay okay only because," I said. Spoiled princess. After we got the food we sat in the driveway, the ran calmed down as the head lights shinned ahead revealing the little drops. We finished the meal and I pulled into the exit way of the fast food restaurant where this place would hold many memories.
On the way back to her house she went live a couple times, we free styled, listened to music, and joke around overall having a good time. When I pulled into her driveway I kissed her cheek where she blushed and told me to stop which I didn't. I then kissed her all over her face then she squealed, smile and blushed back in response.
She pushed me off, got out of the car, fixed her dress and hair. I got out as well holding her hand helping her to the door. "Tomorrow?" I asked, " what about it?" She asked acting indecisively. "A date." I managed out she laughed and answered. "Face time me nov." I nodded in response and gave her a hug good bye which lingered for a second longer. I walked back to my car and waited for her to get safely inside her house. Once she did I pulled off silently. What a day.

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