Chapter 05

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Kenzie's POV::
Nawwwww I just love Hannie!! Even tho they haven't confirmed...Welp at least Jenzie and Cayden is real! I went out side to get something I dropped but then I saw Hayden spinning that Dylan girl around. The anger built up in my body. I stomped back to my cabin. And yelled Annie's name.

A. What now kenz?? I'm still tired!!!
K. Come here!!

Then I finally saw her but she fell and went back to sleep on the ground. I just laughed.

K. Annie I need to show u something...
A. Ok ok ok I'm up!!
K. *drags Annie to the window*
A. What am I supposed to look at??
K. Look Hayden and Dylan!! They're hugging!!
A. I don't care rly kenz!!
K. Yes u do!!
A. All I care about is going back to sleep!!
K. What if they're dating!!
A. I'll congratulate them!! I don't care that they're dating!! I'm going back to sleep!

Hayden has got some nerve to just leave Annie behind!! I wanted to stomp my way over there until Johnny came through the door. I ran into his arms and cried.

Jo. What happened??
K. Annie....
Jo. What did she do???
K. And Hayden.....
Jo. Woah babe tell me what's wrong...
K. Hayden l-left Annie behind and now he chooses D-Dylan!! *crys louder*
Jo. Kenz it isn't ur life for u to control
K. I know but...what if Annie does like him??
A. Well...I don't like him, kenz! *hugs Kenzie*
A. Stop worrying!! Hannie ain't real and will never be...
K. I'm sorry Annie for not minding my own business
A. It's fine!! U can go and hang out with Johnny!!
K. What about u??
A. *laughs* I'll go back to sleep!

I agreed with Annie. I need to go and hang with Johnny to get my mind off things...

Annie's POV::
15 minutes after.
I finally woke up and got dressed.

My tshirt, necklace and hair:

And I wore some Lou Lou leggings!! I got up and took my phone then headed straight to the jetty to think

Ops! Esta imagem não segue nossas diretrizes de conteúdo. Para continuar a publicação, tente removê-la ou carregar outra.

And I wore some Lou Lou leggings!! I got up and took my phone then headed straight to the jetty to think. I went and sat down at the edge having my legs hanging over. It felt so calm and quiet. Until...

?. Hey! My I join u??

I turned around to see Carson.

A. Yeh sure!
Ca. *sits down*
A. So....what's up??
Ca. Can I trust u with a secret??
A. Yep!
Ca. I really, REALLY like u Annie Leblanc!
A. Rly??
Ca. Yep!!! Will I go out with me??
A. Ofc!! (Of course)
Ca. *kisses annie*
A. I love u Carson Lueduers
Ca. Love u too Annie Leblanc

I walked back to my cabin with Carson, hand in hand. I said good night to Carson and went straight into my cabin. I saw Hayden and Dylan making out.

H. What do u mean??
Dy. Yeah Annie! I thought u didn't like him so why would u care??
A. What do u mean I wouldn't care??
H. So u do have feelings for me??
Dy. Well we can't go anywhere else...
H. My cabin is occupied by jenzie
Dy. My cabin is occupied by Nush and Brustin
Dy. Sorry!
H. Not leaving...
A. K then I'll leave!

I went straight to my room. I picked up my duffel bag and packed some clothes. I was going for an over night stay somewhere. I don't rly know where tho...I'll find something out! I left in a hurry. I headed straight to the main office.

A. Is there any more spare cabins??
MO. For one person??
A. Yep!
MO. There is one cabin and it is near the beach
A. Ok thanks!!
MO. Cabin 11
A. Kk bye!!

I left over to cabin 11, and it looks like a mansion!! I entered and found the bedroom just in the corner. There was a bathroom, kitchen and a living room. I ran into the bedroom and found one big bed with two twin beds in the opposite side. I think I'm gonna stay here forever!! I went to the beach to relax.

I heard people yelling and stuff.

U guys keep on asking for an update so here! I know it's kind of short, it's just I don't have time to cause I'm a lazy bum! So u will need to cooperate with the wait! I'm sleepy and bored.

Love ya guys💖


Adventures at CAMP | HANNIEOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora