Chapter 6

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Still needs to be reworked sorry

Doctors POV

She ran so fast I could hardly turn round in time she weaved through Jack's arms who had grabbed but she shook off her coat and ran into the night.

"We've got to find her" I whispered

I quickly ran to the console and started flicking my fingers across the keyboard trying to locate her but the door slammed itself shut and we soon started crash landing Jack had fallen to the floor and I had landed funny at the bottom of the stairs Jack ran down to me but I was already up and spread my fingers across the top of my arm as I still had regeneration steam spreading through my body and the end of my regeneration caused me too breathe a fresh breath of golden steam that floated away to the top of the Tardis and out.

"Right, where are we" I asked Jack

He ran to the screen and shouted

"West Sussex, 1908"

"Okay right im going to have to get back we need to find Heather-Emilie" I said while pressing as many buttons and turned as many cogs and pulled and pushed the levers but nothing she wouldn't budge.

"Come on sexy..... Please..... Stop being stubborn" I moaned at her (the Tardis).

Soon I gave up and ran to the doors with Jack on my heels. A large giant like alien was trolling the village we were on the edge of he was burning houses, trampling people and taking children.

"That's kinda like a giant doing normal giant things but....." Jack stated before he saw the monster he may have been tall but he was covered from head to toe in some sort of drape it had only a one small looking hole at the front so he could see what he was doing.

"It's a Gejargan half giant half mummy if you believe in earth's myths it looks like that but it should be extinct there planet was defeated by the sontarans 1,000 years ago very few are trapped in a labrinyth underneath the sea of souls on there planet its used for breeding sontarans the air is a mix of the gases needed for young sontarans to breathe" I explained

The sontarans had started a 3 day war but with many losses when the Gejargan were finally about to execute the rest of the population I locked them in that labrinyth, I left them I never returned I didn't even check to see if they could breathe there.

A few regenerations before I dressed in a leather jacket and I was cruel I would do what I had to without thinking about the consequences of my actions. I did that a lot when that was me. The memories dragged me backwards they hurt so much ignoring the pain I ran towards the Gejargan Jack was right behind me and I could see the alien only a few steps a way craning my neck I looked up.

" Gejargan, stop this this is my only warning leave and I wont do anything except put a few fires out" I shouted

All I could hear after that was a large bellowing laugh

"Obviously not going to listen to me, I am the doctor and this time I will find a worse place for you to be trapped" i shouted back

It stopped suddenly and looked me in the eye and stopped

'Okay that was easy" I whispered to Jack

I spoke to soon he was doing his best to trample all over me and Jack it was laughing again.

"Well I warned you" I said before I took my sonic out my pocket and held it ti the sky the sonic waves would make any alien scream in pain it dropped to its knees and soon I had it in a forcefield using a sonar grabfield I was able to control the forcefield and used the Tardis by flicking a few knobs to transport the Gejargan to the end of the universe. I trapped him in a window on the ship to a place where the stars are made of diamonds.

The Tardis was soon extinguishing the flames using a inbuilt fireman hose connected to the three swimming pools.

We were soon off hurrying to find Heather-Emilie Harkness who was in the future using coordinates and locating Heather using the Tardis they travelled to the right place.

Stepping out if the Tardis a chill set in Jack this place was an old warehouse that had been left to rot. Opening the door with the sonic and came face to face with a metal blob was the only way to describe it.

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