Really Long Chapter XP; The Meeting

Start from the beginning

"Okay." He answers. Ron nods in agreement. I get out of his grip and roll my eyes at his stupidity.

I walk out and just before I close the door, a hand wraps around my arm and pulls me back in.

I'm met with Dantes chest. He kisses my forehead. "Be safe princess."

"Mmhmm. Bye weirdo." Turning around and walking with Ron. We walk to a black SUV and hop in the back.

"Boyfriend?" Ron asks as we sit down.

"Hell to the no. I'm not into the whole boyfriend thing." Sitting down myself.

"Lesbian?" I take my sandal off and throw it at him. He laughs and tosses it back.

"No, I'm not a freaking lesbian." Laughing. He shakes his head.

"So what is up with the cutesy little name?" I shrug and lean back.

After about a 20 minute drive and slight conversation, we arrived to a cute little cafe.

But seriously?

A cafe?

For a meeting with streetfighters? 

The car stops and we get out.

We had parked across the street. 

As we get out, I get myself prepared. "So why exactly am I here? 'Cause I know it's not no co-worker shit." 

He chuckles. "Obviously a few of the guys you've been fighting are to easy for you." We stop on the sidewalk across the cafe and he pulls out a cigarette and lights it as we stop and talk. "And, well, you're female and 5'5."

I laugh. "But, you're a good fighter nonetheless." I say thanks and he continues. "So, we have managers, kinda like co-workers, who work with us, but have they're own fighters. They set up some of the fights. They want to talk to you about things, but if you're not comfortable, let me know."

I nod. He flicks his cigarette. "How many people are there gonna be?"

"This group of managers," He takes a drag, "about three, and maybe one or two of they're fighters. But, " he releases the smoke," I told them not to bring they're fighters because they're fighters because," another drag, "they're some big mouthed pricks and I know how you are about people with big mouths that they can't control." He laughs and releases the smoke.

"And how do you know about that?" Putting my hands in my jacket pocket.

"Well, Mack for one." A drag. "And then we watch your file at school for when you get in trouble or are absent or anything. And, what you did to Valerie Simmons." He releases the smoke, lets out a gruff laugh, and shakes his head, "Seen that shit live."

I thought for a second. Then it clicked. "You hacked the schools security footage?" 

He nods. "You're a smart little 5 year old look alike." Chuckling.

As he goes to take a drag, I grab his cigarette, throw it on the ground, and step on it. "What the hell?!" He exclaims, while laughing.

"Lets go asshole." I say as I begin to walk away. Chuckling, he follows. 

We enter the cafe and walk up to the register.

"We need the back room." Ron says just low enough for the cashier and I to hear. He had slight acne and curly brown hair that reached the top of his ears.

He nodded and led us to the "back room."

I followed silently. 

When we got there, we were confronted by a black door. He opened it and motioned us to enter. 

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