Chapter Two - Alex

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Alex awoke in the middle of the night, cursing the Spanish heat.

She had grown up indoors, hidden away in a safe, air-conditioned environment. And then her first venture out of the compound had been to the north of England, where she had stayed for several months.

So, despite her brown skin, dark eyes, and ink-black hair, which would suggest that she was built for warmer climates, she still struggled with the heat.

Alex suppressed a groan. She wanted to turn and snuggle up into her girlfriend.

No, her fiancée.

That would take some getting used to.

It had been mere hours since Alex had proposed to the girl who would have once been considered her enemy.

After all, Alex had been built from the DNA up to hunt and kill magical beings.

And she had gone and fallen in love with an Angel of all things.

She couldn't help but smile at the thought. They were a couple of troublemakers, and she wanted nothing more than to spend her days making trouble with Freya.

Months ago, when they first had to flee England, Alex had been poisoned by another magical being. One who had been hunting Freya.

And Freya, amazing as she was, had managed to purge the poison from her system with her magic. But before that...

Before that, it had been almost certain that Alex would die.

And in those moments, Freya had told her whatever she had thought she needed to hear to keep her going.

They would get married and have kids and a life together...

Alex had never thought about any of those things before that moment.

She had never considered a real relationship until Freya if she was being honest. She hadn't even had an idea what that looked like before Freya, and they had figured it out together.

She'd had sex, of course. The scientists that raised her figured regular sexual activity with her peers after puberty was healthy.

But a relationship was something different.

Marriage? Binding yourself to a person for the rest of your days?

That was definitely different.

And the idea of children... Not born to propagate ideal genes, but just to add to your family? To have someone else to love?

The outside world was rife with alien ideas that Alex had found both daunting and tantalising.

Not that they were ideas that she and Freya were in a position to start exploring. Not when they were both on the run from powerful organisations.

Alex had only heard bits and pieces about Angels before meeting Freya. It wasn't something the Enhanced ever had the means to properly research. Though they had recently acquired those means, and the thought made Alex's stomach burn with fury.

What had become obvious in her time with Freya, however, was that Angels were some of the most powerful magical beings around.

Which made them a threat to many magical beings in power, to be taken down with any excuse.

And thanks to Alex, Freya had given them one hell of an excuse.

All because Alex had put her trust in the wrong person.

It had been years without a whisper of tension between Humans and magical beings. Alex had thought that the rest of the Enhanced wanted peace, just as she did.

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