The Voices pt. 2

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  • Dedicated to Max. A friend of mine who's life was ended short because of Schizophrenia. R.I.P

It's been about 3 weeks now since the voices have finally calmed down, I have finally got some sleep, not that long though but hey, atleast i got some fucking sleep. I still haven't eaten for a couple days. I been on Reddit and Tumblr for about 5 hours and i'm not leaving. i have friends on it that know the type of shit i'm going through. The doctor perscribed me to Schizophrenia meds. I have still seen that crooked fucked up face. That face has haunted me for weeks. WHY CAN'T I LIVE A NORMAL LIFE. I CAN'T LEAVE MY HOUSE WITHOUT ANYONE CALLING ME A FUCKED UP ABORTION FAIL. I want my life to just end now and stop being so fucked up. There has been people knocking on my door for an hour now. i keep telling them to go away and i finally gave in to let ONE in. He started telling me i need to leave this town. He says this town is the reason i'm like this.

"This town has been forcing people to see that man you are describing. He was the old mayor, someone went batshit insane and murdered him. They took him into the woods, burned his face off, ripped all of his hair off. You need to leave to escape." The man left after he told me that. I am scared to move because i've lived in this house basically all my life. I know it's a run down house but it's where my family and i have had birthdays, parties, christmas. All that fun shit. I don't wanna leave it with all these fucked up nightmares and memories. The knocking has returned again i will go get it and i will write what he said. *1 hour later* The man has left but not without telling me something freaky as fuck.

"You sir, have been having nightmares right?" he asked

"Yes... Why?"

"Sir, those nightmares are not a part of your head. Everytime you have one you spawn a new devil inside of the town. There have been murders, suicides, and people who are mentally unstable now because of it. The town would really like you to move." Then he left. I am not leaving. This house is where i grew up, had my fun times playing hide and seek with friends. I don't wanna end it with all this fucked up bullshit. *Part 3 will explain what has happened in the hosue from when he was a kid to now*

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 26, 2014 ⏰

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