part 3 training day

Start from the beginning

levi: your right it is funny

(f/n): shut up

Tuesday after class

levi: ok we have the ice thing down now lets move on to the plant life thing what can you do with that

(f/n): I can control plants I can manipulate plants I can put seed in the ground and make them grow instantly and I can do this (you grow a rose out of the ground and pick it and give it to levi)

levi: (smiles and blushes) oh wow thanks tis pretty

(f/n) no problem I used to do that a lot because it was the easiest thing to grow

levi: what about vines can you make vines from the ground

(f/n) yeah I can (you lift your hand and 4 vine like tentacles come out from the ground) see

levi: that is so cool you can control these right

(f/n): yeah 

you have the vine go under levi's feet and lift her up with you to see the sunset

 levi: do you do this a lot as well

(f/n): yeah both during the sunrise and sunset so I can get a amazing view of It like this

levi: (looks at you) it is amazing alright

Wednesday after class

levi set up some targets 

levi: ok today we work on your aim so you can actually hit him when he's not moving

(f/n) piece of cake

you then shoot a fire ball at one a target a ice shard at another send some vines at one and a bolt of lightning at one and you shoot water at the last one and freeze it

(f/n) how's that for my aim

levi: that's good actually I don't think we need to train on that how about tomorrow we work on your speed

(f/n): ok and earthquake

you make the ground shake around levi

levi: n-n-n-n-n-n-not f-f-f-f-f-f-funny

(f/n): it is kinda funny

Thursday after class

levi: ok like with the ice thing channel the energy in you and use it to speed up and if we don't finish this today we don't have tomorrow because your fight zack is tomorrow

(f/n): ok i'll try

you channel lightning in you and run fast but slam into a tree

(f/n) ow 

levi: ok this will take awhile try again

then you try again but you trip on a rock and roll like a basket ball on a hill out of control then you slam into a tree

(f/n): ow this really hurts

levi: again don't give up

then you try again and when you are about to slam into the tree you run up it and fly up

levi: uh oh

then you fall and hit the ground and you make a hole that is the size of your body

(f/n): were more going to have a funeral than a fight if I keep this up

levi: ok doesn't seem like the world goes slower when you run

(f/n): a little but it's hard to do that because it feels like I'm going the same speed

levi: how about this I throw these throwing stars at you and you need to dodge or catch them before they can hit your handsome face

(f/n): ok (you get out of the hole) and what

levi: (blushes) nothing

then levi throws the stars at you but you speed up and you dodge one and catch it mid air and you redirect the others to the ground and you walk over to levi and you see the blush on her face

(f/n): man she sure is cute when she blushes and she can't hear me right

then you put one of the stars back in her hand and walk over to your original spot and you return to normal speed

levi: what (looks at the star in her hand) you did it

(f/n): yeah

then levi runs up and hugs you but you fall over 

levi: (blushes hard) oh sorry I was just excited (gets off of you) that concludes this training da y good luck tomorrow (she runs off)

(f/n): uh thanks (you leave and head to your dorm

at levi's room

levi was lying on her bed blushing hard because she heard what you said about her being cute

levi: cute he think I'm cute sure I think the same but I didn't think he thought the same I hope I get to tell him I like him when he winx

the end of part 3

sorry this took so long I've been in school and have had homework and I hope you enjoy this and I'm working on the tohka x male reader part 3 as well

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