The Metal Table

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Ashley's P.O.V.

     I was shockingly pressed up against the police car while the bright LED lights were blinding me. They put the handcuffs on my wrists where I thought I had no blood circulation once they were finished tightening them.

     They put me in the back of the car and slammed the door shut. I hung my head down low to where they couldn't see my tear stained face.

    I heard the driver yell out something that I could barely make out. I managed to figure out what he said, well screamed. Which was "they are going to at least put you in jail for 3 years of you are lucky." which made me bawl even more.

     He must have noticed because he stopped with the smirking and glaring. But this time his smirk was replaced with a sensitive smile as he said "hey you'll be alright it's not guaranteed."

    I suddenly stopped crying and used the crook of my arm that was still flexible to wipe the remaining tears off my face.

     Five minute later we arrived at the jail. I was escorted out and into a small room with a metal table and two corresponding chairs both with the same metallic shine as the table.

   I was seated soon enough as I heard the door slam signalling me that the officer had left the room.

   Around what felt like forever I finally heard a key turn in the door telling me that someone was coming in.

   "Hello I'm officer Polski pleased to interrogate you." I scoffed as he said those words in an evidently sarcastic tone.

     "Ah I see we don't have much of a talker but more of a fighter in our hands here." "what's it to you," I added wanting not to show how scared I was.

     "I'd be nice to me if I were you. I can make you look like a murderer or a cute little misunderstood child." He had evidently heard my situation and was taking the initiative to make me feel scared. I just met the guy and I already hate him.

     He finally walked around the table making his evidently chiseled and glorious face appear before me making me speechless. Suddenly staring at his features longer than I had intended to.

     "Take a picture it will last longer. Oh wait you can't because you just had to show that pretty little butt of your off at school and punch and kick a kid. I already have enough evidence that can put you in jail for at least 3 years. All I have to do is get it approved by a judge then you will be off to tim-buck-too," he added with a smirk.

     Which I returned quickly thinking of a way to get out of here quickly. "Or you know you could just take these cuffs off of me and we can kiss instead of flirt all day." I internally face-palmed myself at my word choice.

    His smirk them fell off his face being replaced as quickly with the same smirk. "Too bad for you I don't like troublemakers. I'm only into good girls who follow the rules," he said sarcastically. Which let me know that he liked bad girls who take charge.

     I knew that I couldn't let him have a win with that so I just simply said "good thing I didn't start the fight," I added stealing his signature smirk. Knowing that I was innocent except for the violence part of the story.

   "Oh really then why does the boy you punched and kicked have a broken nose and a massive bruise while you come out unharmed," he said taking his smirk back.

     "Because he hits like a cotton ball while I came in like a wrecking ball," I said causing him and me to burst out laughing at the trashy song reference and my sarcasm. His walkie talky then interrupted our laughing fest as I heard that the judge would see me now. Making both of our faces turn serious and bland.

   He then dragged me with my hands behind my back and his hand on my shoulders off to the room marked judges house. I was comfortable with the stance knowing I was safe from harm and all that might come my way except for the judge's words.

I instantly knew that this could either go well of absolutely horrible at this point and time. I just wanted to get out of there as soon as possible without causing chaos and bringing havoc.

Again you can skip this. But happy second chapter. Please remember to leave a comment because I would love to hear some criticism or kind words. Oh and be sure to add my account.


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⏰ Last updated: Sep 27, 2017 ⏰

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