Chapter 3 - E.N.D

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You guys are in for a surprise! I know it says End but you will see what I mean Its not the end though for this story...

Grays POV

Natsu was a mess. A demon was inside of him. I could smelled the demon. " Look Natsu if you want Lucy you have to stop being like this or your going to drive her away , like you are right now "I say trying to convince Natsu to stop... " HA! Gray you little punk I will get Lucy and you can't stop me!" Natsu says as his wings and horns start to grow." Natsu I know your week inside "! I say stomping my foot against the road. " I will just kill you Gray " " You wont ... Because your afraid .... E.N.D I will kill you!"

I get ready to end the E.N.D .... But I couldn't move a single muscle. Natsu goes silent and falls to the ground. Then I saw a person I thought he would never see again... Zerif... Zerif was the demon of them all. " WHAT DO YOU WANT ZERIF?!?!???" " Heh I want you.. since your my new killer..." " KILLER?"

Im so sorry this is a short chapter but reading block happens XD

Has llegado al final de las partes publicadas.

⏰ Última actualización: Sep 28, 2017 ⏰

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