29 - t j u e n i

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Oh my gosh, I am really angry with myself right now. This chapter was ready to be posted December 5th 2017, and I thought I did post it...! I've been inactive on wattpad because I was like "I finished my book, now I'll take a break". I logged on today (July 17th 2018) and saw that the final chapter hadn't been posted! Fucking hell. Well, here you go.

Written by xSanni
Updated December 5th SIKE, July 17th*
Chapter 27

It is obviously a great change to be a human again. Though that's what I've been most of my life, I really had adapted to the vampire lifestyle. Am I happy to be back to being a human? I don't know. Both yes and no. Will I ask one of my friends to turn me into a vampire again? I don't know. The vampire life was kind of forced on to me earlier, but now I actually have a choice. I don't want to get old while all my friends stay healthy and young, but I do want to experience growing old. I do want children in the future, and for them to have children. I have a chance at an actual life now.

Suddenly I feel like there's so much I need to do. I can start over. I can get a job and a carrier, travel, get a boyfriend, settle down.

These are things you can do as a vampire, too, I tell myself.

That wouldn't be the same, though. When I settle down with someone, I want to start a family and grow old with them. Besides, if I get turned into a vampire now, there's no going back to being a human again.

Fuck, this is hard.

A month go by from the day I died and woke back up. Everything is back to normal, except that people are treating me like glass. Of course I am more vulnerable now, but I don't really like it. It's not like I'm going to die if I miss a step in the stairs.

And as for Michael, you can imagine his surprise when he came back from the city to be told that I died, but it is okay because I was brought back to life - but, oh wait, I am a human now.

We're currently sitting around the table eating dinner. They all insist in having dinner with me for my sake, and I think it's nice. I could eat normal food when I was a vampire, but we never did. It feels good to be back to old routines again.

"Do we have any more pizza?" I ask them.

Erika shakes her head. "Nope, we're empty now."

"Hell, Jenny, you just ate three pizzas," Andrew says, his eyes wide open in disbelief. "That's like a lot of food."

"Don't judge my appetite. I'm still hungry," I say, holding a hand over my stomach. Then I feel something inside me. Or is it a smell? "Erika, there's pizza in the freezer."

"No, we just had the last one," she says, sipping from her glass of wine.

I empty my glass of water before looking her in the eyes. "There's one left. Check it, please? I'm sure."

She chuckles and get up while shaking her head. She walks over to the fridge with the little freezer over it. "You're unbelievable, Jenny. See?" She opens the freezer to reveal it being empty. "There's nothing here."

But I can smell it... "I meant the other freezer. The big one in the basement."

She frowns. "Come on, we only store blood there."

I fold my arms and look at here with a raised brow.

She sighs. "You're not going to make me go down and check, are you?"

"Hey, it's not I who has the superspeed here..." I tell her, shrugging.

She rolls her eyes. "Fine, I'll go." Then she's gone in the blink of an eye.

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