But What's New?

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Yang Meng's POV

I just got new sneakers, which may not seem like a big deal, but these were the sneakers I'd been after for ages and 1000 Yuan isn't cheap so I thanked my parents for what felt like forever, although it was probably within the length of four minutes. My new sneakers were a light grey colour with bright neon green patterns down the sides and laces to match, but since they were new, the bottom of the shoe was pristine white with not even a spec of dust to be seen.

I stared at them awestruck and I ran up to my room after removing from the box they came in. My mother had declared that she was going to come up to my room in a couple of minutes with some juice and biscuits, but I wasn't too concerned. My shoes were sitting in pristine condition in front of me while I just stared at them, just as I gazed at them from outside the glass storefront, but I remember once I got cleared away with a random bunch of rowdy teenagers from another school for loitering around the block. For a while I was pretty insulted and hung up on the issue, as I was simply admiring the shop front from outside, but got rudely cleared out for no reason, but I felt bad for Bai Luo Yin as he had an earful of me complaining constantly about the incident.

"You do know it's bad luck to put new shoes on a table," a voice said, belonging to my overly superstitious mother. Although my family did have a history of bad luck so it wasn't too hard to see why she was so superstitious. My father had hoped I'd be more manly and strong so that's why he called me my name since it's meant to be something fierce or brave, but instead I turned out to have more a girlish face and a surprisingly good, but feminine figure.

"You're way too superstitious mother, I'm sure nothing will happen, I'm sure," I said and receiving the tray of cookies and placing the tray on my bed. "Thank you!" I said hurriedly, lightly pushing her out of the door.

"Don't blame me if you have bad luck" she said in the exit before disappearing down the stairs. I shut the door and then went back to admiring my sneakers, I had decided to wear them to school tomorrow, regardless of what any teacher against it.

I had the box on the bed beside me and I couldn't help, but stare at the trainers sitting upon the table for a few more minutes before putting them back into the box.

I started getting ready for bed, putting on my pyjamas and brushing my teeth while occasionally taking a glimpse at the striking neon box. I was ready for bed so I moved my beloved gift onto the floor beside my bed, resisting the urge to take them out and admire them again because I may not be as excited as I would want to be in the morning if I did. I made myself fall asleep quicker so I would have less time to spend awake, waiting for dawn to come.

My alarm was ringing in my ears and it was getting annoying so I picked it and threw it across my room. My father would be proud since I could throw an alarm in the morning further than any shot put or javelin on school sports day. The most annoying thing is that even when it landed with a rubbery sound, but it didn't stop since my mom had got sick of buying new alarm clocks and bought some rubbery material to fit over it so it would just bounce everywhere rather than breaking every time it hit one of the four walls of my bedroom.

I got up to go switch the alarm off properly and I stepped on the box with my new sneakers in it, effectively rendering the box useless due to the gaping hole that my soon to be sneaker wearing feet had left an imprint of emptiness on the box and my trainers could be seen sitting in the box through the hole in the top.

My sneakers were safe so I didn't care too much and once again put the new trainers on the desktop surface. I wanted to show them off to Bai Luo Yin and maybe You Qi if he is in a good mood unlike almost always. I'd never even consider boasting about them to Gu Hai since he'd probably rip them to pieces or show me the ten pairs that he already has or something worse. For Bai Luo Yin's boyfriend, he sure is mean. It's not like they are official official, but they're basically official. Although it's hard not to notice the way You Qi looks at Bai Luo Yin as well, it's this kind of longing look, but at least it isn't like Gu Hai who looks at Bai Luo Yin like he is his possession, I feel he is like one of the people who would kill his daughter's boyfriend if he did anything wrong at all.

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